In the Amish community they have Rumspringa. Between the ages of 14 and 16 years old, teenagers
take a pause on their way of living as they know it to be and are sent into the world.
Up until this time, life has been moving forward with cognitive and social acquiescing of conditioning within their community.
Knowing whatever they have learned up until this point in time serves as their foundational platform in their journey of new exploration.
Regardless of the direction they choose to re-enter life following Rumspringer, they will re-enter life with an entirely new perspective and new frame of reference.
"Outside culture" is something Amish may have learned about in teachings, but diving into (or out of depending on perspective of line) the social water and experiencing temperatures and currents is extremely different from words in a textbook, voice of a teacher (in whatever form that may have been) or being an observer to someone else's journey.
In order to "Edge your Life," it is suggested that regardless of age, at some point in time, a person incorporates this concept of a Rumspringa pause from life as s/he knows it to be, in order to take a soul journey. While the journey may look like different for everyone......
The underpinning tenets of all journeys would consist of:
Completely pulling out of familiarized routines, people and the teachings of culture from which all daily life operates, including work. Imagine the cutting of all "ties" such that you are no longer caught in the back and forth (+) and (-) of humanity's "match" point. Instead of the "Add" in or "Add out", you reset the score to LOVE ALL!
(Eckhart Tolle sat for a couple years on a life bench being an observer of humanity)
This pause in life allows for synthesis of all learned aspects of being human, transcendent of subject areas and social conditionings, hobbies, sports and friends.
With the state of life how it is . . . we are on a conveyor belt of getting more . . . .learning more . . .. . .finding more . .. . . . .. . the search the search the search the search the search. . . . .for more.
The conveyor belt of life is all about acquiescing more and sharing more, "the exchange of other people's ideas." It is the share of other people's ideas and books and movies that create shared platforms of our human connections.
Where in this world have you inserted yourself?
and allowed time for the synthesis of the compilation of your beliefs? your knowings? your previous years of learnings of everything and anything.
In the cells of our bodies, we have expressed DNA and junk DNA. Like social conditioning, our bodies pass on all the DNA to offspring, whether junk or not. (Furthermore, dependent upon environmental situations, some DNA junk may turn into the saviors of the day in terms of transcending environmental variables). The body learns to decipher the difference between the two...what is considered junk or to be muted and what is considered valuable, and to be expressed.
DNA polymerase and other enzymes go around the body's cells and excise out the DNA that has become mutated or pre-cancerous.
We should fractally apply the concepts of DNA to our cultural and human transmissions such that we mute our "junk DNA of talk" and regurgitation and similar to DNA polymerase, we excise cancerous elements of shared toxic social ego.
We need a " " to LOVE ALL.
Insert newly synthesized transmissions of ideas with your being part of.....not just a bystander of other's circulated ideas.
At whatever time and point in life you choose to get off the conveyor belt and create your Rumspringer, know that when you step back on it, your perspective, awareness, view and connections will be as if you've had a re-birth.
The difference between an actual re-birth and a Third Eye/Third View awakening is that when you "land back in body," (your life's conveyor belt continuation), you haven't had your hard drive wiped clean.
Your future path, post Rumspringer will be through your own eyes not through the reflecting eyes and knowledge of other.....which is followed by reflecting of the reflect.
This Rumspringa practice is not for the weak or scared at heart, though it would be good for those.
Expect to get resistance upon return, for you are no longer acquiescing the knowledge and synthesis of other people's truths. You are no longer engaging in the debate of "Add in" and "Add Out."
Others' knowledge may still "serve" as shared reference points to your "eyedias" and perspective with people. New ideas must be tied into already existing truths of others (who have stepped off their conveyor belts). That said, you must get off the conveyor belt to gain "I I I" perspective tie in your truth or you are just regurgitating the words of other. I = I , I > i, i<I.
Ay Ay?
Don't let the resistance from other or others' attempts to box you into pre-existing accepted truths bother you. Remember that most likely, they are too threatened and perhaps too scared to search for their own conglomerated truth. They are not Rumspringer adventurers and wish they could be.