Move your being into the NOW of your life. Release the full potential of your POWER by clearing your nervous system of unnecessary built emotional blockages. Without removal of these blockages, your system becomes like a river with a damn. Your nervous system and associated emotions in your body will build and overflow with anger, sadness or anxieties. The body's build of these emotions can result in altered neurotransmitter levels. It can result in acting out or acting in behaviors including but not limited to: rage, withdrawal, avoidance, irritation, depression, addiction, alcoholism, gambling food issues, cutting, sexual issues and more.
Empower yourself and/or re-empower yourself. Or .....
Learn who the self is in the first place?
Find expressive songs with lyrics that resonate with your psyche, events and relationships. Express yourself to you, the universe and if you want.....to others. Understand how you truly feel on the inside by giving yourself a chance to become external with your emotions beyond talk.
Access your sympathetic nervous system (movement) to release trapped sedentary emotions associated with thought and neurotransmitters that are stuck within your parasympathetic nervous (non-movement) system and associated resting states. It is these stuck emotional states building within your soma-body that become the damn of the river. Control your "DAMN" with Body Talk.
The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system work antagonistically with each other. Just as you would work out the triceps one day at the gym and the biceps the next day in order to balance the muscles of the body, so too does the nervous system need to be balanced, yet we provide no teaching and/or opportunities for this emotional balancing.
If you just experience emotional builds in your parasympathetic state, with no training how to balance and release them via your sympathetic routes . . . ..you will never experience "swimming in the water." You will only experience "reading and/or talking about swimming in the water." Do you want to be the expert of talk of swim? Or do you want to be the expert of swim. (Remove the) DAMN. It's pretty simple.
(I won't go too tangential here, but we don't even teach people to have talking relationships and functional dynamics, let alone body talk. I guess it's like the same concept of swimming. We don't talk about talking. Therefore ....we are great talkers of talking about talk.
Is it any surprise that divorce rate is 50%? and/or family courts are inundated with cases? No. Hmm. I wonder why we don't teach people - beginning in elementary school? What if people truly knew how to communicate without criticism while honoring the body, mind and spirit? Would we need the amount of therapists? Lawyers? Psychiatrists? and the related professionals to that field. Tangent over).
Body talk alters somatic states and experientially honors emotions and trapped feelings. It provides a direct opportunity for the decrease of stress, depression and other feelings of body & mind associated with undesired (acted in & acted out) emotions. Decrease depression by naturally altering dopamine states. Decrease anxiety by naturally altering cortisol states. Make intrinsic pathways between emotional states and body talk an easy "go to" route such that you have POWER of your verbal choices, behavioral choices and manifestations of you in your life.
Train your body to travel new psycho-somatic pathways of mind and body emotions that are beyond your traditional “tracks.” Don’t just be “set” in your ways.....Move "FOG I and FOG II" (of muscle and mind) in new ways for spiritual clarity. From a once AFAA approved personal trainer and group fitness instructor.
If you are really daring, and/or want to Edge your Life, try communicating with Body Talk to a loved one with whom you feel stuck getting across a certain point.
"Family Fantasy Friends" operates with similar foundational underpinnings as "Body Talk." I'll be "blunt"......No such thing as a Dead End. Find new strands of connect, unless you want to cut.

For Body Talk and many other Therapeutic Tools, visit: Edging Life
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