You may now be getting familiar with the two varying oxytocin spectrum ranges among our global population which LIVIN4d has color coordinated for simplicity purposes. A quick review:

Orange = Lower level Oxytocin range
Blue = Higher level Oxytocin range
Research is demonstrating that individuals with low oxytocin levels who are affected by these lower levels are benefiting from MDMA facilitated therapy. MDMA facilitated therapy which will finish the third stage of FDA clinical trials in the near future, thus opening therapeutic doors to be implementing MDMA facilitated talk therapy by 2021.
MDMA is benefiting people who have lower levels of oxytocin (and are affected by it) with attributes such as: social anxieties and levels of empathy.
CLICK HERE LINK for MDMA psychotherapy article discussing healing the psychological infliction of PTSD and trauma which automatically reduce levels of innate oxytocin within both the Orange and Blue personality types. In both colors, a decrease from base-line oxytocin familiarity has effects on one's relationship to self and to other.
A reminder that with respect to children, research shows that Blue personality children are more affected by trauma and the resulting implications of being exposed to an traumatic event in comparison to Orange personality children. When exposed to a trauma, Blue personality children also benefit more from solacing and loving interventions by a parent in comparison to Orange personality children.
Click on article excerpt below to read full article and scientific references.
**These Oxytocin concepts along with other scientific concepts exist on human conditioned and constructed levels. In the spiritual realms of knowing, these concepts are simply related to human forms and neuro-chemical levels and their associated pathways in order for people to attempt the understanding of each others' egos. Spiritual beings don't have higher or lower oxytocin levels, nor is there an attempt to understand humans (each other) through the scientific lens or the therapeutic lens because there is a knowing of connection beyond egoic overlays.
This concept stated, perhaps in unique ways, one color type (hypothesized orange) relates more to the spiritual knowings of the universe due to decreased acquiescing of conditioned thinking and it's associated emotions (that might correlate with complex blue types). (Reminder that orange personality types have less complex language schematic attachments than blue personality types resulting in different styles of talking and verbage articulation). (If there were such a thing as "PEER REVIEWED SPIRITUAL RESEARCH), perhaps it could be hypothesized that blue personality types have more empathy to each other's social constructs and associated emotions on this side of the body while orange personality types have more empathy to the knowings on the outside of the body). Putting aside the spiritual realms in exchange for the egoic world of right vs wrong...good vs bad......the DSM-5 and ICD-10 love diagnosing. Each side of spectrum (Blue/Orange) has innate (+) and (-) dependent on perspective orientation but in the world of diagnosing, the (+) is not addressed on either side.
People often don't think of each other as having the potential to innately be different from each other as demonstrated by already existing research with respect to oxytocin levels. Therefore, people compare others to self, often resulting in pathologizing of other.
If only the world of psychology blended more with the world of biology, two bell curves of human personalities would be widely accepted, thus resulting in an increased range of acceptable standard deviation norms of personality attributes. **
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