Condensing spirituality into words is metaphorically like attempting to solidify water from evaporation. To use attempted words forces the restriction of spirituality by putting edges on expansion.
So ....anyway......nail me to the cross of mental judgment if that's what you want to do with respect to my attempted conveyance. It seems the Last Judgement is far from the last.
Though of course I suppose, being in human form, it feels
much better to "the self" to have a choice of whether or not to choose
to do various behaviors that are laced with heart love, (for self and/or
other), it is still a good spiritual practice to practice the meditational art of just-
"the doing"

I don't mean to suggest practicing of various tasks or "the doing" to help move one's self out of heart anger. Nor do Isuggest doing various tasks to move from an inverse love place to a love place.
I simply mean practicing the art of "the doing" from a neutral space, a neutral feeling, a neutral ego. Perhaps there are times in life when one doesn't have the option to feel heart love with respect to the doing of any particular behavior. (When I write heart love, I don't just mean in the romance department, but in all categories of relationships).
There is a Tipping Point of ego when one cares for "the self" and when one cares for other.
- Sometimes, choices benefit both self and other.
- Sometimes choices hurt self and other.
- Sometimes the energy flow associated with choice is neutral to self and positive to other.
- Sometimes the energy flow associated with choice is neutral to other and positive to self.
- Sometimes choices benefit self at the cost of other.
- Sometimes choices benefit other at the cost of self.
With presence and connection, one has awareness as to the current directions of energy impacts. Movement in any one of the above directions is based on ego perspective of the self. Within interpersonal dynamics, there are two or more "selves."
When ego is not involved in any direction, as the heart is not laced with love of self and or laced with love of other other, there becomes practice of "the doing."
"The doing" is the utilitarian philosophy of meditational practice. "Wax on wax off. Wax on wax off. Wax on wax off."
The practice of "the doing" is just's a practice. The practice of doing is just like the practice of NOT doing. It's about balance. Identifying the Tipping Point of balance is important. Probably almost everything in life has a Tipping Point. Malcom Gladwell writes about this concept.
The non-egoic practice of doing or not doing simply comes down to a choice with respect to time.
When there is no rush . . . when there is no busy, no attainment for more and better and more. When there is no attachment to Prada or Gucci or Tesla . . .When primary needs of the self are met such as food and shelter and when there is no attachment to Ego recognition, whether it be acknowledgment by other of acts performed for other . . Or acknowledgement by other for acts performed . . . many things lose the familiar sense of purpose as the conditioned ego once knew them to be. Many acts lose purpose of the heart as the heart once knew them to feel.
In this space of being, doing and receiving without the relation of ego to other's ego, whether it be in judgement of kudos, or judgment of construction, or judgement of bettering ..... a very different awareness is experienced.
By default, this neutral space of unattached ego allows for the mirrored reflect of others' judgement from all directions. (withered/whethered veins/vains?)
This neutral space not only allows for mirrored reflection, but it allows for visibility of others' egoic blueprints for their constructions of language, behaviors, intentions.
This neutral space opens awareness of other's ego orientation with respect to the direct topic of interchange as well as opens awareness with respect to orientating layers and layers beyond the language and behaviors of direct interchange.
This ego neutral space removes tears away from the peeling layers of onion. Without tears of "fall or collect," one experiences all the layers of others' onions as they are not masked by personal ego filtering.
Imagine a coloring book with connect the dot pictures to be revealed upon connecting the proper dots. Now imagine not having to spend the time connecting the linear dots in order to see the picture. Imagine the dots of the picture just illuminating all at once, peeling away from the matrix of surrounding dots without having to "connect the dots." Even imagine many pictures peeling away from the matrix all at once, some of the pictures overlapping, some of them not.

When the onion tears peel away, ego construction is visible and conditioned humanity is experienced, the dots can no longer be connected in the same linear ways which were once familiar. One is not lost in the world. It's not like Hansel and Grettle's story when they lose their way because the birds ate the breaded trail to get home. There is no direction to get to. There is no destination. The illuminated pictures of visibility allow for aerial view of the world and people within, thus the 'path to home' is no longer about connecting the dots.
Along with this 4 dimensional experience of life and true visibility beyond human ego constructs, as previously mentioned, one's relationship to love of self and love of other transforms. There becomes a new way of relating as it is clear that the emotions experienced and perceived are just the result of filling in the blueprint constructs of cognitive buildings.
Without the blueprint constructs of human form, we are all connected love on the other side of body. This knowing allows for the transcendence of ego attachment to positive gains and/or ego attempt to avoid negative gains. With respect to love, one no longer identifies self to other and/or other to self from the egoic mind. So, it is almost as if one is looking in on humanity including looking in on the self from the Sylvia Browne's angle of view.....from "The Other Side." In psychological pathologizing terminology, this could be looked at as dissociation or possibly depolarization, though in the spiritual realm, it is not this at all.
Don't get me wrong, there is a certain missing and longing for the old self, the old love in which the conditioned ego was once familiar.
I guess one could reference this concept as ego death, spiritual connect, transcendence of self, or something of the sort. I guess it is up to The Interpreter, and his cognitive constructs, how he wishes to categorize and make sense of the thoughts I'm attempting to convey.
Various religions reference this concept in different ways. The Hindus for example, have words such as Atman and Brahman.
In revisiting the concept of "the doing," the concept of the "wax on wax off" practice, without ego love of self (and/or other), it doesn't mean that one is lacking in "love of self." The concept doesn't suggest that one has self hatred and/or needs to practice more loving of the self. The doing for the sake of doing . . .. is just that. . . .it is doing. "The doing" as a choice to enjoy the fill of time or meditationally practice the fill of time is a very different experience from "the doing" with a directional focus and/or ego attachment to outcome.
When there truly is no differentiation between self and other in terms of worth, value and love due to the deconstruction of blueprints and illumination of true clarity .... When one truly has no need for ego gratification or prevention of ego destruction, and one has no attachment to the acquiescing of building a life in any goal oriented direction other than experiencing what is in the now, one's relationship to the concepts of "the doing" and to love changes.
I'm not sure if this concept of waxing on and waxing off is something that can be practiced in order to be attained or if by default of human experiences, it just happens. And......I'm not sure if the wax on wax off concept is something that someone would want to attain . . .. even though many people practice striving for it.
Afterall, we choose to be in individual human form on this side of life . . . . to experience life on this side of life . . . .partly to have ego experiences and ego shared experiences . . . .of egoic thought, of egoic emotion, of egoic touch, of egoic feeling of heart, of egoic memory, of egoic manifest. All these aspects of human relation take years of building, conditioning and imprinting. I'm not sure we are meant to experience the other side while on this side . . ..but for those who do.......well.......perhaps the change of "the course"
changes the relationship to "the curse" ....or egoic attached love....affecting choices of "the doing" of everything in the matrix.
Scripted thoughts
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