Thursday, August 10, 2017

San Diego Therapy Tool Box 8


Psychology Today Tips about spirituality, relationships, thinking patterns, somatic or body awareness and more. New designs for living in self with respect to others and to the environment.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

San Diego Therapy Tool Box 8

Do you have your life set of tools for:

Living in harmony, peace and happiness?

Moving through life and balancing tasks at a slower manageable pace?

Creating optimal times for yourself rather than getting pulled into other people's schedules and conversations?

Quick ability to let go of anger and frustration?

Finding the routes to get to solution without getting stuck?

Getting your brain and neurological thinking patterns out of habituated routes?

Creating the best dialogues or ways of going about relational dynamics?

Identifying what you are filtering through your built psychological lens from years of ego perspective in comparison to  external truth? (5 prong approach....quite handy). In other words what are you overreacting to and are taking personally which actually you shouldn't be.

Feelings are based on thoughts and inaccurate thoughts and perceptions cause inaccurate feelings and responses. Make the thoughts accurate and believe them and your emotional response will change.

Setting goals and manifesting them despite obstacles?

Talking in a way with someone who seems oppositional to your approach or your direction, joining with him and her admiring his expertise and asking him to come up with the solution rather than remaining in debate?

Washimg clean the emotional psyche of grime from the day? (A practice of breathing that is conscious, not of the autonomic nervous system? NSI (neurosomatic integration) which activates the vagal nerve, balances the antagonistic sympathetic parasympathetic nervous system to decrease anxiety, I'll colonizes the blood with the extra release of carbon dioxide increasing the pH thus decreasing chances of cancer and other illnesses?

Do you know what your biggest core issues are in life that are causing you problems?. Let's get to them and extract them, so there are no longer being 'mine'd for.

Do you know how to use humor to befriend friction cenarios does increasing dopamine and decreasing cortisol?

It is fundamental to include the biological elements into the psychological well-being and approach to life the two complement each other very well.
(619) 750 2218 

Lily Kotila MA MAT PhD(c)

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