Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Attention! Army, Navy, Military....... "Be all that you can Be" Strike? Arm? Drop? Shake? PTSD.....Hummmm V

Do you know how many times more likely it is for a "Blue Personality Type" to struggle with PTSD post traumatic stress disorder as a result of trauma exposure in comparison to an "Orange Personality Type"?

I'll give you a minute to think about it.
 Remember......Blue personality types have higher oxytocin level RANGE based on chromosome 3p25.  The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism or SNP marker coding for the varying levels is rs53576

......1660 over.  1040?

There are actually 3 forms of the SNP marker, but 2 present very similarly, so they CAMOUFLAGE into one type .... Green type blends into the Blue.
Blue and Orange Personality Types have many differences between each other:  
  • ways of thinking
  • forms of communicating
  • levels of GGregarious or AAscetic 
  • styles of learning
  • children's reaction to PTSD
  • possibly reasons for addiction
  • empathy

Ay ay!  Captain.

AA = Orange
GG= Blue

AG = heterozygous formation Green but with camouflage ......green = blue.
Therefore, there are 3 genetic underpinnings that take 2 phenotypeic FORMATIONS (visible/observable characteristics and traits)

 Orange Personality Types have lower oxytocin levels.

The answer......... drum roll ........

I don't know?   My hypothesis is for sure:  Blue.

As most of one's genes don't change across his/her life time......  current research shows that children with Blue Personality Types are more susceptible to PTSD than are Orange Personality Types......

Does this carry over into adulthood?
Would there be a new form of discrimination?  A battle? A war if we discovered the answer?

Eh.....we better just keep in FATIGUE.

STRIKE that.


Friday, August 18, 2017

PTSD trauma? Are you more susceptible?

If you are what is referred to as a blue personality type, you have genetic markers (GG, AG) located on chromosomes 3, that increase your likelihood of getting PTSD from any given traumatic scenario. (GG and AG have subtle differences, but the G overrides the A, so the heterozygous form presents much like the homozygous form, in many ways so the two polymorphic variations have been clumped  together into one personality type known as blue.

If you are not interested in the science simply read the Bold

Approximately 37% of the global population has a blue personality type, so it is not the majority of human beings.

Blue personality types are primarily of European descent.

"Blue personality type" is a simple color coordinated term indicating that a person has higher levels of oxytocin than the remaining 67% of the population as a result of innate genetics.

Most Asians are orange personality types, innately having lower oxytocin levels due to a variance of the genetic marker located on chromosome 3 known as RS53576. The orange allelic version is AA.

Orange personality types are not as affected by scenarios that could potentially cause PTSD.  Whatever variable might cause PTSD in a blue personality type may have no effect on an orange personality type. It can be assumed that the increased frequency of PTSD response associated with blue personality type is correlated with the increased range of emotional feeling and associated somatic response in comparison to that of Orange personality type.

(Vasopressin plays a role in combination with oxytocin and PTSD as well, but it is not of primary importance nor is it relevant for this particular blog post. I only mention it in the event that someone has interest in further reading. There is some more recent research referencing vasopressin and Prairie voles and oxytocin).

Research demonstrates that blue personality types (those individuals having higher levels of oxytocin) are more affected by traumatic events and more frequently struggle with PTSD symptoms. This is statement is true especially if affected when they are children.

Blue personality type children experiencing PTSD respond very well to parental loving touch and cuddling in order to assuage PTSD symptoms from the event that has transpired.

While orange personality types are not as affected by PTSD, they also do not beneficially  respond to parental touch, emotional support and cuddling in order to assuage stressful events and or compensate for the release of cortisol.

In simple terms, blue personality types have higher ranges of emotional feelings and affect then the majority of global population. One can speculate that this higher range of emotions contributes to increased behavioral responses, ssociated somatic responses as well as vociferous reactions to various scenarios. These scenarios may be PTSD evoking or not.

If you are a parent ..,....think about whether or not knowing if your child has a  higher oxytocin level range  or a lower oxytocin level range determined by a simple saliva test would be important for how you cultivate a relationship with that child.

If you are a parent to more than one child and you notice that your children respond  very differently to anxieties and stressors of life as well as having different responses to your affection and empathy in response to their responses, it most likely has to do with variances and oxytocin levels.

If you notice your child has been affected by a PTSD evoking event, aside from parental love and support, EMDR is a research-based methodology that pulls out and extract the route of the trauma.

The earlier in life this PTSD root is extracted..... this false belief system about self and false associated emotion and false somatic response, the better.

What will happen over the course of a lifetime if this route is not extracted and corrected with a positive cognition installation via EMDR, is that as that child grows over the years he will accumulate and gather false evidence supporting his false hypothesis about self with respect to that erroneous route that was planted due to the PTSD traumatic experience.

Understand PTSD and your child's oxytocin levels and you can dramatically increase their: social success, happiness freedom from SSRIs, work ability, friendships and bettering of life.

You can get this oxytocin genetic marker test via '23 and Me', which will also reveal many other genetic markers that may be of importance to know refarding your child.  The test is approximately $200.

Why wouldn't every parent want to optimize the outcome of their child's life by knowing potential problematic innate variables which can then be compensated for and/or ameliorated by making small environmental adjustments.

You got me? What century do we "livin"?

"Oh he's like that because he's a boy..... it's because she's a girl she's sensitive .....he's a middle child he comes from a divorced family" blah blah blah.

These are all secondary contributing factors two shaping personality. Get the blueprints before talking about the adornments.

Uh oh...... What is called a "secondary gain" in the world of psychology might be preventing you from truly wanting to know your child's oxytocin levels
By not knowing the child oxytocin level, you can keep your gossip and communication and false chit-chats up with the other parents by judging and speculating and assuming the reasons for various children's behaviors (as oxytocin affects much more than PTSD response in children).

Don't let livin 4D get in the way of your social life.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

San Diego Therapy Tool Box 8


Psychology Today Tips about spirituality, relationships, thinking patterns, somatic or body awareness and more. New designs for living in self with respect to others and to the environment.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

San Diego Therapy Tool Box 8

Do you have your life set of tools for:

Living in harmony, peace and happiness?

Moving through life and balancing tasks at a slower manageable pace?

Creating optimal times for yourself rather than getting pulled into other people's schedules and conversations?

Quick ability to let go of anger and frustration?

Finding the routes to get to solution without getting stuck?

Getting your brain and neurological thinking patterns out of habituated routes?

Creating the best dialogues or ways of going about relational dynamics?

Identifying what you are filtering through your built psychological lens from years of ego perspective in comparison to  external truth? (5 prong approach....quite handy). In other words what are you overreacting to and are taking personally which actually you shouldn't be.

Feelings are based on thoughts and inaccurate thoughts and perceptions cause inaccurate feelings and responses. Make the thoughts accurate and believe them and your emotional response will change.

Setting goals and manifesting them despite obstacles?

Talking in a way with someone who seems oppositional to your approach or your direction, joining with him and her admiring his expertise and asking him to come up with the solution rather than remaining in debate?

Washimg clean the emotional psyche of grime from the day? (A practice of breathing that is conscious, not of the autonomic nervous system? NSI (neurosomatic integration) which activates the vagal nerve, balances the antagonistic sympathetic parasympathetic nervous system to decrease anxiety, I'll colonizes the blood with the extra release of carbon dioxide increasing the pH thus decreasing chances of cancer and other illnesses?

Do you know what your biggest core issues are in life that are causing you problems?. Let's get to them and extract them, so there are no longer being 'mine'd for.

Do you know how to use humor to befriend friction cenarios does increasing dopamine and decreasing cortisol?

It is fundamental to include the biological elements into the psychological well-being and approach to life the two complement each other very well.

(619) 750 2218 

Lily Kotila MA MAT PhD(c)

Friday, August 4, 2017

Guage your relationahip attire?

Have you ever had the traditional couple fight regarding temperature and sleeping?

" It's too hot."
"It's too cold."

"We don't need the heater on "
"Yes we do."
" I'm freezing."
"You're exaggerating."

The result:

You wrap yourself in your cocoon of blanketree attire and I'll wrap myself in my cocoon of blanketree attire and let's sleep in the same bed but engulfed in our own pods.

The reality:

Women's circulatory systems are closer to the surfaces of their skins in comparison to men's circulatory systems.

Therefore, women are typically cooler than men because the heat spread through the body via the blood in a female is in closer contact with the outside world's temperature than is a man's.

This bloody gender difference concept does not take into account #s of adipocytes or the amount of fat insulation one has surrounding the self.

I'm sure that in and of itself could turn into another more "heated" debate.  Having just written this blog post, it would probably be more "cool" to keep fighting about the temperatures and keeping yourselves separately cocooned.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Snicker Snicker: ha ha heheh hypnosis. FUNNY?

Really?  What planet are we on in the "Milky Way"?  ......MARS?   (Where does that expression even come from really?)  Tangent:  The reference to someone being a Neanderthal is actually a compliment as they were super smart.   People should be a little "MORE-on" ........seriously.  Get with the programmed. Oh ....you already are.

How boring is the program.  I think I'll go get a snickers.  I don't care.  Yup. Ya'll are so boring and scatterbrained, I much rather enjoy a snickers than listen to you NUTS.

So what exactly do you think these types of words associated with chocolate do to your psyche?

snicker snicker sucker sucker snicker funny funny 

What do you think these types of words associated with chocolate do to your relationship with chocolate?

What do you think these types of words associated with chocolate do to your relationship with you? your body? your mind? your emotional heart?

What do you think this hypnotic connection increases or decreases in terms of behavior and/or associated behavior?  At least they're obvious about it and not sublingual .....I mean not subliminal.  But now that I "neanderthal" it.......to most of you knuckleheads, it probably is subliminal hahahahahah....snickers.

Unlike the Untied States, Britain and Australia do not allow subliminal advertising.

What cray cray in the snickers advertising campaign do you think would design such packaging thinking that it would promote sales?  Hmmmm. Maybe it does or it will?

Or maybe it will increase the purchase of a gift to a love giving a sweet message - "You rowdy B_ _ _ _."  "Here you go peanut."

They have these laughs in Mexico with similar associations.
Que intolerable! Estas muy grunon y dramatica. Ay caramba.  Dios mio.  Vas a comer una chocolate con estrella dinero.

Haha.....look what I just came across......I'm such a neanderthal.  I've got the sagittal crest ;)
You knucklehead Homo sapiens.  You little piggies run all the way home and enjoy your snickers.  Y voy a comer con gusto tambien.  Teach your children well.  wah wah wah wah wah? what? Enjoy.


Know where to take a bite out of line.....I mean life.  Then put on your sneakers and go for a run on the treadmill so you can work your HAMSTER rings.  Turn those wheels .......right?

snickers snickers snickers snickers.

Brought to you by Flyer from Asteroid B324 "The Little Princess"

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Parental co-proxy - Gaslighting Munchausen Syndrome: Get with the program

DSM 6?

You may have heard of the psychological condition known as Munchausen SyndromeIt is a condition where an individual feigns sickness of mental or physical varieties in order to get the attention and sympathy of others.

Munchausen by Proxy is a condition where an individual, usually a caregiver makes up a story that the person being cared for has a psychological or physical health condition in order to get attention and/or sympathy from others.

The person usually being "cared" for is a child, an elder or an individual with a disability.  The commonalities among:  children, elders and individuals with disabilities is that they are often not believed, due to "valued position by society" and/or don't they don't have the language to express the truth of a situation.

Also, Munchausen by Proxy is not a "common go to" explanation or answer regarding what is occurring, as this explanation has to bypass the first observable layer of what is being presented.  One must peel away the layer of fog to see the true clarity.  Some aren't even aware that the fog is fog.

Munchausen by Co-parent Proxy (Munchausen by Co-proxy) is the Narcissistic Gaslighting of one parent's story of the other parent to a child.


"Your mommy is very very sick.  I'm so sorry.  Your daddy is very very sick."
"Your mommy is crazy.  Your daddy has mental health issues" 

"Your mommy lives in sin."      "Your daddy is not going to heaven.  He's cursed."

A child is very imprintable and impressionable and his/her views and ideas of the world and people in it are greatly influenced by parental talk, opinions and behaviors.

Munchousin co-proxy has a big influential power on a child's perception of victimized parent because in many ways the narcissist parent shuts the child's truth down.  The "narcissist co proxy parent"will reference the other parent in negative ways both subtly and overtly.  He will make parallel associations such that the child's perspective over the course of years is influenced.  For example, 

Mother asks: "What color shirts are the good football players wearing?"  
Son responds:  "Black."

Mother asks:  "What color shirts is the bad football team wearing?"
Son responds:  "White."

Mother asks:  "What color shirt is daddy wearing?"
Son responds:  Silence.  

On some level, the child is aware of the negative association inference, but with many of these types of suggestions adding up over the course of years, it affects the child.  It may affect the child's view of the parent and in the long run perhaps the view of the other parent.  

Undoubtedly, there is a pressure from the narcissist parent for the child to agree with her and/or make fun of the other parent, not respect him, speak to him in the same way that the mother references him:
"moron." This reference may come out overtly or covertly.  "Dad you can't every do anything right can you?"

There is not much literature on the effects of vicarious gaslighting on children, pathologized co-parent and/or the relational dynamic.  

When families stay united, the results aren't usually as devastating on a child, parent or relationship between the two as in comparison to when there is a split family.  This variance is due to the amount of time a narcissist parent has in isolation with the child in order to adversely influence and shape the child's opinion of other parent.

When this type of scenario enters a court setting, a parent who is the victim of narcissistic gaslighting with Munchausen by-Proxy is often seen as sick because the court rooms don't know how to see through the fog.  The co-parent enters a similar muted role as the child, an elder or a mentally disabled in terms of his voice being heard.

 Once the narcissist parent has ejected co-parent out of driver's seat and/or car, her control in the driver's seat is even more influential and powerful.  It is very hard for the ejected parent to re-enter the picture as the picture is quite different from the one that has been painted.  Not only does the victimized parent have to not draw false defense lines within the Munchousen co-proxy story, he has to remain in his own story of truth. He has to metaphorically get into the driver seat of another car.

As split families are more common now than ever before, this concept of Munchousin co-proxy is important to keep in mind as it absolutely does not have the child's best interest or co-parent's best interest at heart.

Some people take the view that a narcissist acts out of malicious intent.  

Perhaps there is an explanation of intent due to oblivion resulting from a genetic variable located on Chromosome 3 p 25 resulting in low oxytocin and one's ability to "see and understand life through eyes of other" empathy which is different from mirrored reflect.

**There are no pictures complex enough to be associated with this concept at this point in time.**


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

PTSD and the new "F." 8 new ways to understand trauma transcendence

The split between:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

From my educational experience and training thus far, I have not yet read other professionals' mentionings of any discrepancies between these two experiences: PTSD and FLYING.

I refer to the 2nd experience as "flying" but clearly, that's not the term I search for in order to see if anyone else has written about this concept. Instead,  I have looked for mention of the concept of flying and I have not come across any remotely related literature.

Flying will be introduced and discussed  with respect to PTSD Transcendence in a brief moment.

A quick snapshot of the current accepted rationales as to why certain individuals get PTSD while others exposed to the same environmental milieu do not.

1. Oxytocin levels
The higher the innate level of oxytocin, the higher the probability of increased emotional response and internal freeze encapsulation resulting in PTSD. Also the higher probability of "fight or flight."

(The 6Fs: 1. Flight, 2. Freeze, 3. F***, 4. Fight, 5. Food, 6.  Flying (different from flight)).

Higher oxyocin levels are 'base'd on Chromosome 3p25 marker rs53576 containing GG and/or AG alleles (in comparison to AA alleles).

2. Relational support
Higher oxytocin level people (approximately 37% of global population) not only experience increased chance of PTSD onset, but they benefit more from assuaging of Trauma/traumas through love, touch, empathy and interactive support from family members, friends or loved ones. If higher oxytocin level people do not receive love and support, healing hugs etc., their likelihood of PTSD onset is increased.

3. Lock and Key
If one has a previous existing life theme in which the current stressful event fits into like a lock in key,  and the combination of current event and past theme is impactful enough to turn the latch, one's psychological  door of trauma is opened resulting in a situationally compounded emotional reaction - PTSD.

Following are aome offered new perspectives regarding why some people may get  PTSD while others do not. 

4. Sympathetic nervous system carrying  capacity levels to trauma.

Through the lens of biology, the difference between those who are able to fly through PTSD onset and those who get trapped in it's net may be related to one's y-axis of intensity level carrying capacity.  For some people, the  sympathetic nervous system activation and associated levels of  released (x) cortisol may be activated at y=4. For others y may =9.. Cortisol traps the trauma experience as a memory with intensity and cause ortisol imprints that can get trigger by similar future themes.

 One's threshold for acceptable internal stress (y) beyond homeostatic resting point may also play a factor in the onset of PTSD as the higher the carrying capacity of the individual's nervous system, the more tolerable the trauma level.

I would imagine this concept of nervous system carrying capacity is not fixed, rather it has a cumulative effect similar to a stretched rubber band. The more the parameters of trauma tolerance with respect to any given  theme are slowly stretched over time, the less snap back PTSD potential.

I would imagine that people have varying overall carrying capacity thresholds of PTSD tolerance (x,y) as well as varying levels of theme tolerance  with respect to nervous system activation. The ladder is more situational than biological in terms of individual's  exposure.

5. Trauma Theme Tolerance
From a conditioned social lens, flying  ability through a trauma experience may have to do with internalized conditioned beliefs and associated emotions from past experiences that counteract the PTSD exposure experience.

For example, if one were at a summer camp at the beach and a life guard saved a child from not drowning in the waves, this experience would feed a flying bank niche associated with water/death/fear.

If that same person as an adult were on a sinking cruise ship, and people around him were terrified of drowning, his life preserver encapsulated memory of the child, being saved by the life guard may provide a PTSD barrier.

This childhood scenario however would probably not serve as emotional protection of that same person if he were were trapped in a burning building as an adult due to  the fact that the  two scemarios most likely don't share theme relations. 

Ultimately, PTSD comes down to fear of death and/or fear of people and their torture from a trapped and pained perspective (either of psyche or of body).

PTSD is the worst for those individuals trapped in a confined space while being or feeling threatened for one's life by another.

6.Flexible Trauma  Contours
When these people are forced to brush up against their worst fear(s)...... And they cannot cognitively rework and redefine the trauma situation internally and/or fully accept and embrace the other side, the trauma exposure is like hitting a bag of ice against a steel wall.

To redefine perspective, shape of reality  and fly in that same metaphor, one's ice in bag would melt in the bag such that when it hits the wall, it shares contours with the wall and flexes rather than fractures.

Perhaps some flyers transcending PTSD  have experienced a deep spiritual connection in which there is a knowing of life and 'death' beyond and expanded from the conventional conditioning associated fears and unknowns.

Perhaps there is a letting go of the ego self and a joining with the kami of the universe. ...an acceptance of being..... whether in Being or out of Being. Perhaps there is a cognitive storyline or awareness that fits not only as an imagined (or real) separate realm, but a storyline that can also be tied into the logic of understanding in this realm.

7. Oxytocin reverse

Even though the oxytocin effects correlating to trauma were referenced above,  perhaps there is also a reverse possibility.

Even though high oxytocin level people experience higher PTSD potential, this facet of the population also has a more complex inner world with schematic imagery and an ability to formulate alternative narratives.

One's ability to cognitively break free of entrapped storylines such as demonstrated in the movie "Life is Beautiful" can exponentially increase his/hey ability to transcend trauma.

If the trapped trauma is transcended and taught intergenerationally, the whole life experience would change.

8. Sleep state Integration

Another possibility regarding why some people develop PTSD while others do not may have to do with how some people process, chunk and associate trauma experiences  in various phases of sleep.

9. Exercise and meditation and NSI
may play roles in abating  PTSD. Also a breath work process I have named Neuro Somatic Integration.

NSI Neuro Somatic Integration

Perhaps the reasons why flyers become flyers and why others get PTSD isn't even this complex. Thoughts?

I have had clients who have been gang raped with no PTSD onset. I have had clients who have been held to gun point with no PTSD onset. I have had military jet pilots with missiles blowing past them in florescent colors with no resulting trauma.

Yet......it is not uncommon for surrounding people who know the individual had been exposed to such a traumatic event to think that the person's anger or sadness or fear in any given scenario is connected  that person's unprocessed trauma.

Of course it is important to keep in mind that PTSD can manifest at any time in one's life regardless of how long ago the initial exposure was to Trauma. It is also important to note that things and/or situations can cause PTSD that one would not typically classify as a traumatizing event. It is quite dependent upon ones internal world, life history and emotional impacts. 

Also, the same things don't scare people. One's fear might be elicited by a natural disaster. Another's fear might be elicited by a psychological scenario. One's fear might be elicited by an imagined concept.

There is no one size fits all PTSD exposure theory, yet often people project their own fears onto others and assume that those individuals will have the same fears as self.

It seems that often, these flyer types of personalities' biggest risk for PTSD onset is related to therapists', friends' and families' insistence that they have PTSD rather than listening to their truth. I'm being slighly sarcastic.

A quick tangent from the last paragraph . . . . the types of personalities drawn to heroin and opiates (even before ever discovering drugs) often shut down and cease attempts at genuine connection and expression of self as they frequently feel  categorized and framed into others' perspective and sense making.

Rather than these personalities realizing it is a limitation of the listener to hear the words and genuine expression .of him / herself... They often think they are not good with expression and communication and therefore stop......but their thought is simply the farthest thing from the truth.

We operate in many ways within this world as if we are all one in the same on the inside. It's simply not the case.

Back to the concept of flying.  . . . Using the above 3 scenarios of: gang rape,  gun point and missile flight,  PTSD  transcendence, as the possible result of one's ability create a new storyline and  experience reality through this unique lens  would undoubtedly be viewed as dissociation by most professionals.

Rather than be curious if there is anything to learn from these "Life (are) Beautiful" scenarios, therapeutic professionals  are often  much more interested in forcing a round peg through a square hole. Why? Because if they get "the plug"  to fit, they have succeeded in their job and they can stroke their own egos for being good therapists. Good luck trying to get a therapist  to admit it. Unlike most other facets of life, you'll actually need the luck beyond the given touche cheeky expression. It's not just therapists who insist on angles of overlaid peception of other.

I invite so many more possibilities of thinking and imagination to explore this flying concept of PTSD transcendence. (Call or whatever you want).  ...."Wilson?" (The soccer ball)

Willing suspension of life disbelief within this realm rather than exclusively in hollywood.

I will offer two more potential explanations pertaining  to the nervous system that I think may be  possibiliTIES as to why some people don't get PTSD in an almost universally guaranteed PTSD evoking scenario.

10. Nervous System rerouting
I believe that just like a train can get re-routed by the shifting of TIES on railroad tracks, so too can the nervous system get re-routed. Just like the circulatory system can grow itself around coronary blockages and arteriosclerosis venules and arterioles, so too can the nevous system create new working pathways.

For example, one's nervous system vibration,  frequency and route of synaptic travel that in the past was associated with anxiety in the stomach may now register in the body as extreme fatigue, or as a leg tingle. This nervous system rerouting process.....grows around the nervous system trauma block and makes new tie-ins to cognitive sense makings and neuronal junctures that are operational ....thus eliminating the trauma responses.

One would be able to detect this somatic re-routing of the body as the conscious mind would recognize the same environmentally triggering scenarios (whether internal thinking or external situations) eliciting different internal cues and sensations.

There are so many other ways of viewing trauma reslience and life in general that can radiate off this nervous system rerouting concept if one is interested in exploring new pathways of understanding.

11. Parasympathetic nervous system cushion
Lastly, in terms of the antagonistic relationship of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, perhaps some bodies remain in the parasympathetic state when exposed to stress, thus resulting in PTSD avoidance....however another set of issues might get created.....those of the psychosomatic variety.....such as oversweating or nausea.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pompeiid Trauma Triggers & Password Questions: Ongoing Compartmentalized Life Trauma

Why do passwords ask memory questions associated with such specific things in past life?  How is it right that when attempting to log into your bank account.....if you are in a new location, it is ok for these types of institutions to ask security questions to bring you back to memories throughout life in which actually .. . . ....you have no desire to travel?

Futhermore.....the more complex one's inner world is, the more difficult it is to recall the nuance of password entry.  For example:  First pet animal's name:

The inner dialogue might sound like,

"Hmmm....did I give them the cat?   the fish?  the turtle?  the  dog? They were all around the same time"
"Oh gosh. .. .did I capitalize the letter of the name?"
"Did I spell it in the foreign language version or the Americanized version?"

etc. etc. etc.

You've already been LOCKED OUT.

No big deal....this is how "the busy".....well.....keeps us busy.......on the side of doing the things we enjoy in life.  Wow....what if we had too much time to just be.......I wonder?  Would we see some of the incongruencies in life that we've been taught?  Would we have a clearer picture of truth?  Anyway...... aside from minor annoyances with password protections, for those who have trauma or PTSD....it can be another story.

Life trauma is different from (and in biological ways similar to) POWs and veteran related combat fighting.

When someone has experienced trauma related to their personal lives, their triggers can be anything related to their personal lives .....  the content of triggers may seem completely neutral to surrounding people.  Content may even seem positive to surrounding people. .....But is far from positive for the inner world of one experiencing life trauma.  If they are not overtly expressive about the effects of content and/or words and/or tone and/or facial expression on their inner world . .. . ..either by being vociferous, through behavior or pulling away, the surrounding person or people may never know the internal impacts on someone. 

  For example  . .. .if someone has personal life trauma, something as subtle as:

"You seem in a good mood today" can be triggering.

How could this statement possibly affect someone in a bad way right?

Well.....if we think about life in terms of a spectrum of + integers and - integers .....or the yin yang concept, there are oppositional forces associated with all concepts ....associated with everything.  

Dependent upon one's perception of external environment and/or the way in which content is filtered through inner environmental milleu, it is perceived as positive or negative, regardless of the associated external value and/or the conditioned norm.  There is no intrinsic value to things.

This concept of language is like natural selection.  If there has been a scorched earth fire and foliage has been burned except for the green leaves at the top of trees, the giraffes with long necks will survive simply because they can reach the tall leaf trees.  The long necks are not innately a positive or negative thing.  The long necks only become a positive thing if the lower leaves have been burned.  This concept is how genetic shift happens.  Actually, it often happens quite rapidly and the process is called punctuated equilibrium. (It can also happen over the course of time with selection slowly gravitating toward the positive variables of the species).

Another example is, what color owls do you think would survive in the arctic and not be plucked off as easily by a predator?  White. Therefore, the majority of owls in artic areas are snowy white.  There is a natural selection toward this color in terms of mating and passing on the white genes.  A white owl however would probably not be as camouflaged in a green and brown forest.  Therefore, the white snowy owl would be an easy target by the fox who is hungry. A white owl is not intrinsically a good or bad color owl ....it simply depends upon the environmental variables.

Ok....back to the example:  "You seem in a good mood today"

Well, for one who has not experienced trauma which they have had to compartmentalize in order to function, "You seem in a good mood today" is neutral and/or positive.

However, in terms of the integer and yin/yang concept.... the judgment from other with respect to your mood being "good".....also by default, invites the internal reverse.  Even if the person is in a good mood on any given day when the interactor makes the statement, if the receiver person has unresolved and unprocessed, un-integrated life trauma, the statement invites the awareness of the compartmentalized reverse. ...that in fact...... "No I'm overall not in a good mood overall."

This concept is particularly true if the life trauma situation is not only not resolved but ongoing.   For example, if someone has an open litigation scenario in which they might be facing years in jail........and they are waiting to hear the outcome of the scenario, that person may keep going in life, enjoy facets of life, connect in relationships, smell the flowers, surf the waves.......with an ability to compartmentalize the jail time scenario.  However, when the statement, "You seem in a good mood today" enters the picture, it can instantly burst the compartmentalization bubble and join the "trauma pocket" with the fabric of the rest of life.  The result is ....a psychological bleed.

In any case, this example is just one example of semantics with respect to trauma language land minds.  Keep the concept in mind for general purposes not only for those experiencing trauma....as we as humans have a tendency to fill space and time with the most ridiculous talk related things.  Also, we fill time with many assumptions in our language.  We talk about things outside of the now and without permission ....ask prurient questions and or questions related to topics that the person being asked really doesn't want to talk about.  So if you are the person asking the question be mindful of the content.  If you are a person receiving the question, keep in mind that ultimately you have the power to redirect the conversation, and or let the talker directly know that you have no desire to talk about X,Y, Z.

Trauma triggers of language affect one's mood.  After the bubble is popped or the compartmentalization is removed from the pocket, it takes some time to re-bubble and tuck the trauma away again.  

During this scenario, internally, cortisol is released.  The sympathetic nervous system is activated.  The throat can feel as if it is experiencing closure.  Muscles contract.  It is certainly not a part of a "good mood day" or "hour" ......the time in which it takes to separate trauma from living again depends upon the individual and his designed strategies.

This same trauma eliciting language concept can occur with respect to security questions.  Not only are security questions invasive of self to self......and not only are they difficult for people with complex inner worlds to remember the nuance variation.....but they are triggering for someone with trauma. They are can be emotionally evoking for someone who is sensitive and or who has an eidedic memory.

 I am currently working with a few clients who are going through a divorce processes. Do they have PTSD and/or trauma?  Maybe.  PTSD and trauma can affect anyone, even if the life adjustments affect many people (as divorce is the norm these days occurring at 50% rate).  What may seem like a normal event to one person may be internally trauma evoking to another person.  Part of this difference has to do with internal value one places on something coupled with how foundational the challenged belief system is to the individual's core psyche.  If the concept is beyond cognitive understanding of the core psyche, more alarm may go off as the concept registers as "PATHOGEN ALERT to mind" or "INVADER....ENEMY......WAR"

 The prurient security questions such as the ones given as examples in the bank security questions are so unnecessary, discriminating and  invasive to one experiencing ongoing compartmentalized life trauma.  

Honestly, I'm sure the individual being asked the passwords would much prefer his/her bank account to be hacked into.  After-all, isn't there a 100,000 coverage for Federally insured banks?  Seriously.....no joke.

The US passport agency even likes to celebrate a divorce date....as if it's a birthday.  So if you haven't memorized your divorce date like you have your anniversary date or a birthday........it will be POMPEIID in your mind after renewing your passport.  Woo hoo!  I guess this is an amazing date if it is the best thing that has ever happened to you.......and if that were the case....a whole other set of psychological questions could be asked of you.

Further Investigations:  Aside from trauma, perhaps the DSM-Vs "BORDERLINE" should also be re-investigated with these underpinning concepts in mind.  Maybe if there weren't so many 'LINES' the unsuspected responses wouldn't get elicited.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2017 Spring Fashion Line: Tone: Nude, Size: To Vary, Material: Skin

Choose from a variety of suits.  Pick the one that feels most comfortable upon trying on.  No returns until "Tern of the Life Style" (not measurable in linear years).

For purchasing of your order . . . . call 1800-love-my-body.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Hang out .. .. .

In silence long enough and you might just download universal truth.  ..... Filtered through your pineal gland of course.

I I ?


"Can You Handle the Truth?"

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Alah ya insist on talking about God!

Is it Clockwork Orange? Sunrise? Sunset? Beat - oven?

Heaven forbid anyone wants to discuss any concepts about life/death/time/purpose more substantiated in spiritual logic than the theologian painted pictures that institutions have provided.

Heaven forbid one is to express "eunich" (pronouced unique) views on such things, s/he'd be castrated.

Conformity conformity.  If it doesn't fit in the box, they "Giver" problems.

Imagine an earth where people weren't scared of "death?"  Imagine all the emotions and thinking etc. that would change?  Would there be fear?  Would there be sadness?  How would sense of purpose be affected?  Attachments to love?  What would life in general be like?

Imagine an earth where there was no such thing as "death."  You lived for eternity; many eternal lifetimes over and over again.  What are implicit issues created if this construct were instilled in us from birth?  Groundhog's Day # 823790.

How do you pendulamize the metronome swing such that you can break through the created construct of death yet not get pulled into "timeless insanity?"

You see. . . . .there are many ways to go about discussing the spiritual realms which are much more rooted in logic than current language.  Spiritual talk is very airy, loose, an inability to fully grasp.  Practice your koans.  Practice your "Ohms."

Then there is religion:  the Koran, Bible, Baghavagita etc. These are all concepts that make complete logical sense yet they don't make any logical sense in our logical worlds of making sense.

Therefore, take the fractal-phored (metaphor based on fractals) concept of religion and apply it to your thinking of life and death.  Use logical components of thinking, machines, movies, songs etc. etc. Pick and choose the conceptual cards you want to incorporate and reshuffle the deck into your own sense making.

Allow the spiritual cards to settle in a way that makes logical sense using "logic" of teaching, but that doesn't make "sense/cents" if you were to go around talking about such things as they would not be MASSly accepted by this earth's/culture's conditioning and context/milieu of our created rational system.  This fractalized concept is how religion operates. 3.14us?

The aspect that is important for you to remember is to make sure you have a cord that connects the logical reshuffled spiritual building constructed by you to explain life and death to the already existing accepted buildings of logic such that, unlike religions, there are no conflicts of logic and the ambiguity is removed.


Try learning from the spiruital, life, death messages your children have for you rather than insisting on imprinting them with what you know about "death" Bee C? u ZZZZZZZZ ....You NO nothing.

Anyway, they are closer to the other side than you are by the time you can read and understand these words.

CAVEAT:  If you are not coming to see me for this facet of therapy as linked below, and/or if you are not interested in expanding your spiritual lens, entirely disregard this blog post.  I am more than willing to operate and talk in systemEYEzed boxes with no invitation of these types of concepts.  The way you LIVE is up to  you.  Japanese read kanji right to left. haha.

E-X-P-A-N-D psychic awareness

padme hum???

Friday, April 28, 2017

Parents!!! Unsleeping "Beau"ty: Re-sCRYPTed stories

"Unsleeping Beauty"

Parents: When you read children storybooks, and/or watch Disney/Pixar  movies,  re-script the endings to invite alternative possibilities. 

Most children's fables and movies are written with a prince type of character rescuing the princess in distress. 

  • What type of pressures for both genders do you think are created by this story-line?
  • How do you think these story endings affect men's and women's views of each other?
  • How do you think these imprinted suggestions may actually manifest the reverse of a 'happily ever after' ending?

Dialogue with children about alternative endings to stories not only decrease internalized gender pressures and decrease role related gender assumptions of other,  but it re-positions placement of ego self with respect to other.

Furthermore, inviting the creation of alternative story endings expands imaginative potential.
"A mind once stretched by the imagination never regains it's original dimensions."

(Biology lens):
An increased imagination results in increased empathy levels due to oxytocin level changes associated with increased mental perspective ability. 

(Spiritual lens):
One possible suggestion for an alternative Sleeping Beauty ending that is more spiritual in nature might sound like: 

"And She lived happily ever after without the prince because her Higher Self, "Miss Unsleeping Beauty" came to awaken and enlighten Sleeping Beauty so she could see and experience the world with "two" clarity. 

From this lens of Eyes Wide Open, as an adult, when Sleeping Beauty doesn't get her "wants" met by Mr. P. 'Rinse', (I mean Tom) she doesn't have to 'wash' her hands of him, nor does she have to flood him with over-demands or drown herself in 'tears' for those unmet. It begins with the Kid - man.
Re-script the stories of perception. Or rec-EYE-cle deception. 

The way you choose your view is really up to you......Imprint it on .. ...You know who. 

Just be careful of the reflect
That it is not something you regret
Or that you want to deflect 

"Mirror mirror on the wall."

If you slip-her Cinderella's broken glass version #2, how might the ending change her view......Yours too!


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Adam's Apple: D'core. Word?

What if  for 30 days people were required to engage in all communication with their mouths shut?
I wonder what people could learn about each other and about humanity without all the built in cognitive assumptions that lace every comment and every question and every response  that people aren't even aware of?

I wonder what people's  tolerance threshold in terms of time allowance and willingness of effort to understand each other would be via communication without words in comparison to tolerance and willingness allotted for other accompanying spoken language.

Because...... let me tell you something with my mouth via writing.....

When  communicating with talking mouths and ears, people really don't listen to each other. 
People filter the receipt of spoken and written words through individualized ego, personalized experiences, attenuated focus, rationalized sense making, and through how they want to operate in the world and what is convenient for them. 

They filter spoken language through their created emotions attached to cognitive constructs whether these cognitive constructs are true or not. The associated emotions are very true and perceived as very real. 

So, people pretend to pause time and really listen to others. They  even pretend to themselves.
The reality is that people simply do not listen without inserting their own egos.
There is an inability to create a willing suspension of disbelief of the self such that other can truly be understood  from the world in which they are existing in and which they experience life.
Not out of pernicion, but due to programmed societal intergenerational default and people's overlaid egos on a "mass" level, people are not aware of the threads that have been sewn awry. In fact if there was an awareness of these arrived threads the whole "Tapestry" framework would change King's notes. 

People cannot see in reality...... that the emperpr really is wearing new clothes sewn by the tailors with invisible threads. 

Children are programmed and conditioned to believe and interpret that the emperor was blind. The reality is that it is the children's  eyes that are being sewn shut blinded from truth.
People are blinded to invisibility in which they cannot see and thus they teach their children the same.
"Eat an apple a day," as the expression goes.

Apples don't fall far from the trees in which they grow.

In the Bible, Eve eats the apple.  The Apple symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is shared through words. It is The Word that is flawed. It is words that are poisonous and it is the words that turn situations into 'the Pitts. ' 

The apple of knowledge creates and disconnects people at the core. The apple of knowledge is root of all "Evil".....In reeverse......."Live'. ..   

It is not Eve's fault that she took a bite out of the Apple. This concept is not meant to Blair ....I mean blame women.  Eve took a bite out of Adam's apple.
An Adam's apple is not meant to blame men..... .. an Adam's apple is simpy the voice box that creates the problems.

If Adam has the apple and Eve takes a bite of the Apple...... Even if they are both Macs .... Inevitably there will be communication errors.
Within a 'Mac'  Apple operating base, what is seen on the front end of the screen .....or the presentation of HiSs (hOS) image ...is not the same as what is coded for within the back end of the Mac. 

People will have talking and listening communication errors even if their operating systems are the same and updated.  Transmission of cultural focus with respect to time keeps people's operating systems on testing 'base.' 

I wonder how people's understanding and love for each other would change at the core without the apple?

What if for 30 days, people were only allowed to communicate with each other via body demonstrations of concepts, hand gestures, drawings, eye signalling,  using objects for references Etc?

Without the familiar territory of  "Battleship talk" in which people have their "anchors"of psyche and awareness charted and plotted, their layers of latitude and longitude can evolve into  laisse-tude which is a much more fair course. 

As language currently stands, ..... exchanged word coordinates  result in "sinking/synching " of others' boats. 

Swim away in body. Break free of spoke word. Eh men?
La Vie en Rose


Friday, April 21, 2017

Facebook Golemizers

This statement is not intended to be pesimistic.. ...It is intended to portray a reality learned via people's anecdotal 'shares'.

Many people seem to judge one's entire life, being and character by the sliver seen on Facebook.

Perhaps many are undynamic in nature, thus allowing for an ability to capture the entire "self" on Facebook, resulting in their projection of this 'self' onto others.

Aside from the Facebook wedge of psyche golemizing the entire person. ....

Be careful . . .Censorship of speech is important. The First Amendment and the Free Press Clause do not seem to apply to Facebook.

Save any of life's anger for "therapy" in which your payment ensures your safety to express thoughts (exclusion of Tarasoff Law)

This statement is not a self-plug for business.....Though of.course you are welcomed.

External expression of anger is an important step in one's healing of perceived injustices though in many cultures it is not socially acceptable.

Beating a punching bag and releasing physical anger .... converting cortisol to dopamine is good for the body ....But it does not serve as a drain for the mind.

Also. . .

Don't allow for a therapist to simply move you into any possible "sadness below the anger."

Sometimes, sadness does not exist below the anger. Sometimes, it is not helpful to move into sadness as it can often be associated with acquiescing of someone else's overlaid truth resulting in unnecessary personal disempowerment.

If your story is your truth, hold onto it!

Allow for others to judge, but don't allow for their internal positioning of you externally framed in language to lasso you into their scripts.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Wax on Wax Off.

Caveat:  This writing is an attempt to "semantisize" the aerial and spiritual realms of sorts into words and cognitive ego realities for shared understanding.... . . . which really. . . .is quite difficult, as spiritual concepts transcend human form.  True spiritual concepts transcend language . . . . . .of familiar body, of familiar heart and of familiar mind.   Spiritual knowings transcend cognitive constructs as we have been conditioned to 'trust' them to be.  

Condensing spirituality into words is metaphorically like attempting to solidify water from evaporation.   To use attempted words forces the  restriction of spirituality by putting edges on expansion.  

So ....anyway......nail me to the cross of mental judgment if that's what you want to do with respect to my attempted conveyance.  It seems the Last Judgement is far from the last.

Though of course I suppose, being in human form, it feels much better to "the self" to have a choice of whether or not to choose to do various behaviors that are laced with heart love, (for self and/or other), it is still a good spiritual practice to practice the meditational art of  just-

"the doing

of various behaviors and tasks even without the heart love. Often, tasks that are laced or filled with heart love .. . . .invite the defrilling and/or deflation or ego swell reaction in any which way to the recognized change in state of love attachment or response judgement from self and/or other.

I don't mean to suggest practicing of various tasks or "the doing" to help move one's self out of heart anger. Nor do Isuggest doing various tasks to move from an inverse love place to a love place.

I simply mean practicing the art of "the doing" from a neutral space, a neutral feeling, a neutral ego.  Perhaps there are times in life when one doesn't have the option to feel heart love with respect to the doing of any particular behavior.  (When I write heart love, I don't just mean in the romance department, but in all categories of relationships).

There is a Tipping Point of ego when one cares for "the self" and when one cares for other.  
  • Sometimes, choices benefit both self and other. 
  • Sometimes choices hurt self and other. 
  • Sometimes the energy flow associated with choice is neutral to self and positive to other.
  • Sometimes the energy flow associated with choice is neutral to other and positive to self.
  • Sometimes choices benefit self at the cost of other. 
  • Sometimes choices benefit other at the cost of self.

With presence and connection, one has awareness as to the current directions of energy impacts. Movement in any one of the above directions is based on ego perspective of the self. Within interpersonal dynamics, there are two or more "selves."

When ego is not involved in any direction, as the heart is not laced with love of self and or laced with love of other other, there becomes practice of "the doing."

"The doing" is the utilitarian philosophy of meditational practice. "Wax on wax off. Wax on wax off. Wax on wax off."

The practice of "the doing" is just that......it's a practice.  The practice of doing is just like the practice of NOT doing. It's about balance. Identifying the Tipping Point of balance is important. Probably almost everything in life has a Tipping Point.  Malcom Gladwell writes about this concept.

The non-egoic practice of doing or not doing simply comes down to a choice with respect to time. 

When there is no rush . . . when there is no busy, no  attainment for more and better and more. When there is no attachment to Prada or Gucci or Tesla .  . .When primary needs of the self are met such as food and shelter and when there is no attachment to Ego recognition, whether it be acknowledgment by other of acts performed for other . .   Or acknowledgement by other for acts performed . . . many things lose the familiar sense of purpose as the conditioned ego once knew them to be. Many acts lose purpose of the heart as the heart once knew them to feel.

In this space of being, doing and receiving without the relation of ego to other's ego,  whether it be in judgement of kudos, or judgment of construction, or judgement of bettering ..... a very different awareness is experienced. 

By default, this neutral space of unattached ego allows for the mirrored reflect of others' judgement from all directions. (withered/whethered veins/vains?)

This neutral space not only allows for mirrored reflection, but it allows for visibility of others' egoic blueprints for their constructions of language, behaviors, intentions. 

This neutral space opens awareness of other's ego orientation with respect to the direct topic of interchange as well as opens awareness with respect to orientating layers and layers beyond the language and behaviors of direct interchange.
This ego neutral space removes tears away from the peeling layers of onion. Without tears of "fall or collect," one experiences  all the layers of others' onions as they are not masked by personal ego filtering.

Imagine a coloring book with connect the dot pictures to be revealed upon connecting the proper dots.  Now imagine not having to spend the time connecting the linear dots in order to see the picture.  Imagine the dots of the picture just illuminating all at once, peeling away from the matrix of surrounding dots without having to "connect the dots."  Even imagine many pictures peeling away from the matrix all at once, some of the pictures overlapping, some of them not.  

Without the filtering through self ego from a reward or loss perspective, conditioned truth of other's ego becomes quite clear.  When/if this happens, it's not about judging and or condemning other's ego build, though some buildings of ego might seem quite funny.  It's not about teaching them a lesson unless they invite a teaching.  This clear visibility allows for one's ability to navigate and be with shared other in a space all knowing.  Of course, this all knowing space doesn't mean the other person in the interchange will experience the dynamic in the same way.  So, while connected to universal truth and far from alone, in the human conditioned form at times, it can feel ....well.......sometimes lonely, sometimes arrogant, sometimes sad, sometimes interesting, sometimes a chuckle of humanity.

When the onion tears peel away, ego construction is visible and conditioned humanity is experienced, the dots can no longer be connected in the same linear ways which were once familiar.  One is not lost in the world.  It's not like Hansel and Grettle's story when they lose their way because the birds ate the breaded trail to get home.  There is no direction to get to.  There is no destination.  The illuminated pictures of visibility allow for aerial view of the world and people within, thus the 'path to home' is no longer about connecting the dots.

Along with this 4 dimensional experience of life and true visibility beyond human ego constructs, as previously mentioned, one's relationship to love of self and love of other transforms.  There becomes a new way of relating as it is clear that the emotions experienced and perceived are just the result of filling in the blueprint constructs of cognitive buildings.  

Without the blueprint constructs of human form, we are all connected love on the other side of body.  This knowing allows for the transcendence of ego attachment to positive gains and/or ego attempt to avoid negative gains.  With respect to love, one no longer identifies self to other and/or other to self from the egoic mind.  So, it is almost as if one is looking in on humanity including looking in on the self from the Sylvia Browne's angle of view.....from "The Other Side."  In psychological pathologizing terminology, this could be looked at as dissociation or possibly depolarization, though in the spiritual realm, it is not this at all.  

Don't get me wrong, there is a certain missing and longing for the old self, the old love in which the conditioned ego was once familiar.

I guess one could reference this concept as ego death, spiritual connect, transcendence of self, or something of the sort.  I guess it is up to The Interpreter, and his cognitive constructs, how he wishes to categorize and make sense of the thoughts I'm attempting to convey. 

Various religions reference this concept in different ways. The Hindus for example, have words such as Atman and Brahman. 

In revisiting the concept of "the doing," the concept of the "wax on wax off" practice, without ego love of self (and/or other), it doesn't mean that one is lacking in "love of self." The concept doesn't suggest that one has self hatred and/or needs to practice more loving of the self.  The doing for the sake of doing . . .. is just that. . . .it is doing. "The doing" as a choice to enjoy the fill of time or meditationally practice the fill of time is a very different experience from "the doing" with a directional focus and/or ego attachment to outcome.

When there truly is no differentiation between self and other in terms of worth, value and love due to the deconstruction of blueprints and illumination of true clarity .... When one truly has no need for ego gratification or prevention of ego destruction, and one has no attachment to the acquiescing of   building a life in any goal oriented direction other than experiencing what is in the now, one's relationship to the concepts of "the doing" and to love changes.

I'm not sure if this concept of waxing on and waxing off is something that can be practiced in order to be attained or if by default of human experiences, it just happens. And......I'm not sure if the wax on wax off concept is something that someone would want to attain . . ..  even though many people practice striving for it. 

Afterall, we choose to be in individual human form on this side of life . . . . to experience life on this side of life . . . .partly to have ego experiences and ego shared experiences  . . . .of egoic thought, of egoic emotion, of egoic touch, of egoic feeling of heart, of egoic memory, of egoic manifest.  All these aspects of human relation take years of building, conditioning and imprinting.  I'm not sure we are meant to experience the other side while on this side . . ..but for those who do.......well.......perhaps the change of "the course"

changes the relationship to "the curse" ....or egoic attached love....affecting choices of "the doing" of everything in the matrix.

Scripted thoughts