Psychology Today Tips about spirituality, relationships, thinking patterns, somatic or body awareness and more. New designs for living in self with respect to others and to the environment.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Handy Heart: DIY
Handy Heart Exercise
Happy "Amie-Vert Tea" (Parlez-vous en petit 'pout' en Francais?)
Solidified Spirituality . . . "GAWD"
What do you GAIN with a spiritual bath? (Tangible examples)
How does steam/spirit look/feel/experience when it manifests into water/fruition?
Don't "Blow this off."
Spiritual Connection Beyond Talk
Thursday, February 23, 2017
LIVIN4d references: MDMA Therapy for people with low oxytocin levels (who want to increase their levels)
You may now be getting familiar with the two varying oxytocin spectrum ranges among our global population which LIVIN4d has color coordinated for simplicity purposes. A quick review:

Orange = Lower level Oxytocin range
Blue = Higher level Oxytocin range
Research is demonstrating that individuals with low oxytocin levels who are affected by these lower levels are benefiting from MDMA facilitated therapy. MDMA facilitated therapy which will finish the third stage of FDA clinical trials in the near future, thus opening therapeutic doors to be implementing MDMA facilitated talk therapy by 2021.
MDMA is benefiting people who have lower levels of oxytocin (and are affected by it) with attributes such as: social anxieties and levels of empathy.
CLICK HERE LINK for MDMA psychotherapy article discussing healing the psychological infliction of PTSD and trauma which automatically reduce levels of innate oxytocin within both the Orange and Blue personality types. In both colors, a decrease from base-line oxytocin familiarity has effects on one's relationship to self and to other.
A reminder that with respect to children, research shows that Blue personality children are more affected by trauma and the resulting implications of being exposed to an traumatic event in comparison to Orange personality children. When exposed to a trauma, Blue personality children also benefit more from solacing and loving interventions by a parent in comparison to Orange personality children.
Click on article excerpt below to read full article and scientific references.
**These Oxytocin concepts along with other scientific concepts exist on human conditioned and constructed levels. In the spiritual realms of knowing, these concepts are simply related to human forms and neuro-chemical levels and their associated pathways in order for people to attempt the understanding of each others' egos. Spiritual beings don't have higher or lower oxytocin levels, nor is there an attempt to understand humans (each other) through the scientific lens or the therapeutic lens because there is a knowing of connection beyond egoic overlays.
This concept stated, perhaps in unique ways, one color type (hypothesized orange) relates more to the spiritual knowings of the universe due to decreased acquiescing of conditioned thinking and it's associated emotions (that might correlate with complex blue types). (Reminder that orange personality types have less complex language schematic attachments than blue personality types resulting in different styles of talking and verbage articulation). (If there were such a thing as "PEER REVIEWED SPIRITUAL RESEARCH), perhaps it could be hypothesized that blue personality types have more empathy to each other's social constructs and associated emotions on this side of the body while orange personality types have more empathy to the knowings on the outside of the body). Putting aside the spiritual realms in exchange for the egoic world of right vs wrong...good vs bad......the DSM-5 and ICD-10 love diagnosing. Each side of spectrum (Blue/Orange) has innate (+) and (-) dependent on perspective orientation but in the world of diagnosing, the (+) is not addressed on either side.
People often don't think of each other as having the potential to innately be different from each other as demonstrated by already existing research with respect to oxytocin levels. Therefore, people compare others to self, often resulting in pathologizing of other.
If only the world of psychology blended more with the world of biology, two bell curves of human personalities would be widely accepted, thus resulting in an increased range of acceptable standard deviation norms of personality attributes. **
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Le'go of Lego lines. Enjoy them for breakfast or sing along with Shakira
Legos are great. Don't get me wrong, especially for teaching building structure, support and three-dimensional perspective. Using the production of Legos for a metaphorical example of the US school system, I feel like teaching students by the standards with a mandated suffocating curriculum and teaching for test result purposes, drastically decreases opportunities for open-ended questions and imaginative thinking.
Standardized people? Lego Schools standardize children so that as adults, they can can go assemble Legos for a living and be ok with the standardization. Nothing wrong with assembling legos by assembled people.
Is everybody sleeping? You lucky things!! How did you do it? Can you please write a blog teaching me how?
Legos making legos. I guess Lego lines would be preferred by the esoteric few, as it decreases competition. Shakira's legos are exceptional lines to the lines. Is it a coincidence that some of the smartest people have lego of school? Bill "Gates." He opened the "door."
The shapes of our brains can be changed as they are malleable, especially at a young age, but they are atrophying as students sit in boxed in walls learning things day after day, week after week month after month, year after year, as if they're in Lego manufacturing assembly lines?
There are so few project-based curriculae that stimulate the mind, make mental tactile connections and apply concepts to the "Real World."
One and three boys are 33% are considered overweight and 30.4% of girls are considered overweight according to the National Institute of diabetes and kidney diseases. Approximately 10% of high school seniors admit to smoking. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 35% of high school seniors reported drinking alcohol 21% reported using marijuana. Students are embarrassed to dance and move bodies ....Why? Sh' care?
Because dancing is not taught in schools. Singing is not taught in schools. Painting is not taught in schools. For that matter, how to balance a check book and/or how to have a relationship or how to be a parent is not taught in schools either. I guess those things don't matter as much. Do you debt it? Who's interest is it in to have a child enter adulthood not knowing how to balance a checkbook, acquire credit cards and accumulate debt with 23% interest rates. Hmmmm. Do you remember that problem you read about in your text book in the 8th grade? Reference that.
I don't conduct my therapy sessions with my written attitude. For those who think of people as lego-ish, you might make the assumption that I am my writing in my life. I can be if I chose to be, but I am not this way. I do enjoy working with clients so I thought I wouldn't "close the door," though the type of clients who walk through the opening aren't restricted by Ockham's simplicity. They are razor sharp.
People often don't know how to apply those amazing logarithms, amplitude frequencies, inverse derivatives, Pythagorean theorems to life.
"Oh no you did something off-beat. Your purchase doesn't have a label. My cash register doesn't recognize it. I can't allow you to do that. Put the product back."
No thinkers outside the box. Personally I don't really care. I lego of lego quite a while ago. I keep myself entertained. Furthermore, I've become legoized in some ways, or I should say, I know how to be when I need to be:
I loved the school I used to teach at in Washington DC. It was innovative. It was the school Without Walls. What an amazing concept to not exist in black and white text. Two dimensional Flatline.
Gina Kolata's replacement of the Tuesday section of science times of The New York Times writes about the same concepts that I was reading about 27 years ago. Wow. At 12, I thought that in my lifetime there would actually be some change, some progress.
Anyway food for thought. Enjoy your happy meal.
On a side note I won't get into this topic other than to introduce it, but speaking of binding texts that decrease imagination of our lifetimes, I'd like to introduce a 'k'new religion to explore if you like .....on a personal level.
It can be considered a hobby. The New "religious" concepts already exist all around us, and you're actually already quite good at exposing "yourcells" to them.
Though these k"New" concepts are not referenced in any academic textbook or religious setting. They are fused in with all the Hollywood movies.
If you start to listen from a "spiritual toolbox collection" space, you might have some fun aquiescing Hollywood's teachings.
If you are comfortable with concepts such as life and death, with know/no? answers that make sense to you provided to you by biology and in church, there is know/no need to do this exercise. Just enjoy the movie/book/song as they are.
This Spiritual Tool box Collection exploration is not meant to be an arduous task. It is meant to be fun, or it can be fun..... to design a spiritual toolbox with your own gems of spirituality that you have found in Hollywood (or books, or songs). It is also something that family or friends can start sharing!
You can design your own spiritual beliefs and connections to this life that resonate more with your personal truth, belief system and with more mental tangibility than various spiritual "easy go to" ambiguous "Oneness" type spiritual phrases. When talking with friends and/or family about these spiritual beliefs, you will have a shared platform of this realm (the movie, book or song) in which you can relate (agree or disagree) to each other.
You can design your own spiritual beliefs and connections to this life that resonate more with your personal truth, belief system and with more mental tangibility than various spiritual "easy go to" ambiguous "Oneness" type spiritual phrases. When talking with friends and/or family about these spiritual beliefs, you will have a shared platform of this realm (the movie, book or song) in which you can relate (agree or disagree) to each other.
- For example in the movie Ice Age one of the characters is looking through a periscope that shows him the world through the eyes of another character. Interesting right?
- In the movie Mad Max, an elder, one of the the group of women who holds the plants references, "in the old days, when the satellites used to watch our Earth and exchange stories......" Interesting right?
- and of course there are more obvious thought evoking movies suggesting themes of other Earths such as the Matrix.
- "A Dog's Purpose" 1/27/17
So there "Ye'go" . . .. I guess this blog ended up being about expansion of imagination and boxed in teachings for both kids who play with Legos and adults who create them.
No seats available.
No seats available.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
You Nose Q-tips? Not the rapper!
Some people clean their ears with cotton swabs. Q-tip like Kleenex is actually the generic name.
You may try cleaning your nostrils with Q-tips too. You would be surprised how much air pollution builds up in your nostrils, thus affecting your smell.
Good thing we have a good built in air filtration system before all the pollution and toxic sludge enters our trachea, bronchioles, 2 lobes of lung on the left side (must make room for the heart), 3 lobes of lung on the right side and our alveolar sacs, eventually diffusing into the blood of our circulatory system and transported around the body.
The lung lining consisting of alveolar sacs is made up of simple squamous epithelial cells, only one cell layer thick, so it is very easy for oxygen and carried toxins to rapidly cross the lung lining. People with emphysema from smoking or breathing dirty air experience their alveolar sacs fusing together, resulting in decreased oxygen diffusion to the body. They are often short of breath. Alveolar sacs are like balloons. Lots of balloons. The more balloons, the more surface area. When the balloons pop and diffuse together, there is less surface area for which the oxygen can pass through. Imagine one football field in comparison to 100 foot ball fields. Quite a difference in surface area!
Anyway, clean your nostrils. You (hopefully) clean your Hepa filters and the air filters within your home by purchasing new ones at Home Depot every 4-6 months.
Clean the air filter of the home in which you live!
Share the concept . . . Just not at dinner.
You'd be amazed at how many bodily functions, pernicious talk and negative politics or global states are shared while eating and nourishing the body. Not only does it take away from 'THE NOW" of eating and body satiety awareness, but energetically, I imagine it is becomes a 'chop'py feng 'sui' combination.
The western medical community doesn't teach about emotional vibrations and mental focus with respect to cancer, but there is for sure a correlation, including the emotional nourishment and awareness of eating. Ok I digressed, though the trachea and esophagus are parallel.
Cancer of the lungs is associated with the emotion of loss and grief from an eastern medicine and acupuncture perspective.
Emotions, like toxins settle in cells, so focus on the NOSE of both.
You will also taste your food better with a cleansed nose. You brush your teeth don't you? Smell of food is just as important as taste.
In fact, a quick digression #2 . .. . you may want to brush your teeth before you eat and scrub your tongue, your food will taste much better! Flip Flop!!
Did you know that your sweet tasters are in the front of your tongue, hence the licking of icecream etc. So keep the chocolate toward the tip.
The bitter is registered on the sides of the tongue and the back of the tongue. This positioning of bitter tasting from an "Evolutionary standpoint" (oh boy, that gives you something to start fighting with me about) increases survival probability as it activates the gag reflex if something were poisonous for example.
Too bad the concept doesn't work for toxic words. Maybe next time someone shares something horrible, I'll practice gagging as a response as opposed to words. It would be quite effective I would think.
Another "Food for Thought" and Tip to Nose!
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Handy Bilateral Balancing
Why there is an insistence on determining whether a child is left or right handed is narrow-minded.
Just because a child may have a natural preference toward one hand over the other doesn't mean that that preference should be strengthened and enhanced overtime.
In fact from a balancing standpoint the opposite might actually be the case if one were to have to choose one hand over the other. (Which seems to be the mandated limiting case). As the expression goes one is only as strong as the weakest link.
If hand side preference represents tendency for primary brain hemisphere utilization with respect to operations in the world, it would make sense to strengthen the weaker side of the brain as the natural stronger side will grow over time with more ease.
In the long-term perspective this bilateral hand usage would be beneficial for bilateral balancing of the mind and of the entire body. This bilateral concept applies to sports as well.
Bilateral balancing of body would reduce physical ailments. I'm sure it would reduce various psychological conditions over the course of time.
Right and left hand enforced or suggested ambidexterity would increase connections across the corpus collosum that divides the two hemispheres of the brain. Logic and artistic, linear and open-ended thinking would be more flowing among individuals.
From an academic standpoint those children who are bored with regurgitation of American history for eight years of school in a row and /or those who are bored with regurgitation of doing multiplication and division for 6 years of school might be able to decrease their ADHD medicine because their brains would actually be stimulated and their bodies more engaged than the sedentary current state of academics.
Having been a high school biology teacher ....The standards are well....quite standard.
Food for thought or you can go eat some. What a strange expression. I'll just put it all out on the table. Something to ruminate on anyway CUD I say so.
The Power of Words. Quite Handy.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
No more talking. No more words.
The Black Rhino will forever be silent.
CNN Link 02/07/17
The voice of a connected human.
CNN Link 02/07/17

88 A message from Flyer 88
GPS location: Asteroid B324
"You have one funny group of people on your Earth 2017"
Show and Tell: Helpful Parroting, Power and Parameters
Show and Tell for Adults

When you give compliments given by someone the power to positively affect your psyche, you may increase the likelihood of giving power to that someone's disapproval to negatively affect your psyche.
Start to observe whether or not this concept of power of psyche is true for you within your interpersonal dynamics among people. Notice if some peoples' opinions affect you more than opinions of others. Why do you think this discrepancy might be the case?
Notice how their opinions whether (+) or (-) shape your mood and/or how you think, feel and respond to the person shortly after offered opinion. Notice how others' opinions affect your decision making process on XYZ content.
Remember Show and Tell . . . .Kindergarten?
I wish there would be a designated place for adult show and tell. When people are excited about something and want to show it off, how fun it would be to have a designated space to do such a thing.
In these designated spaces, just like in Kindergarten, there would be unconditional sharing positive regard. No sideways questions with underpinning motives or intended directional outcome.
In Show And Tell, there isn't such a thing as "constructive criticism."
- A kid doesn't bring in his stuffed dog to be met with: "Why'd you get a stuffed dog? Why didn't you get a rabbit?"
- A kid doesn't bring in a painting to be met with: "Why did you use those paint colors? Red and purple would have been better. Let me teach you how painting really works. "
Somehow....As beings move away from childhood into adulthood, they find it necessary to frequently insert their opinions in unasked for spaces, which can result in a response of "Shove it up your A."
As there is no designated show and tell space for adults and adults have pull, push, sideways, opinionated, defeating and assumption based commentary much of the time....When sharing something with other .. . . It may be helpful to preface the share:
the intention of the share, directed focus of the listener and acceptable guidelines for response. Of course not all conversations have to be delineated with outlines. You will know which content is emotionally charged based on your relationship to self and other as well as past events such that you will know which topics it may be important to place talk parameters.
Talk Parroters might sound like:
- "I'm not looking to discuss or dialogue anything, I just want to tell you. . ..and I'm super sensitive to your eye-rolls . . .would it be ok if we taped your eye-lids in place? (kidding). Can you be aware of it as much as possible?"
- "The angle I'd like your focus to be is whether or not this shirt looks better with respect to my eyes? I'm not searching for commentary on the whole outfit or that you prefer the pink outfit I already eliminated from the option pile. I'm not looking for which shirt you think looks better on my body. I'm just asking which one you think looks better with respect to my eyes. Ok? (Then, if you, the speaker are open to it, you may state . ..after I get this specific answer regarding my eyes, if you want to add anything else of your own opinion, I'll be open to hearing it at that point).
- "Can I vent something to you with no feedback other than letting me know you heard me?" (See parrot in Show and Tell picture above).
- "I'm curious what your thoughts are on the interaction that took place between my friend and me at the sports arena. I know that you know my friend's and my past dynamics, and I know how you feel about her. I don't want to reference the past issues in this dialogue, I'm not looking for your overall opinions about how you feel about her. I am only curious to hear you're perspective on this specific interaction that happened at the sports arena, in particular, her tone of voice."
- "I'm at the beginning of this endeavor and as it is not yet fully fortified in formation, I am not open to have it compared to other scenarios or ideas of others. I am also not looking to have any potential problems be pointed out, nor am I looking for a delineation of all aspects of the larger picture. I am looking for feedback on this specific concept."
Setting parameters for what your want in a talking exchange can help connection rather than friction as it creates the a type of show and tell parameters and guidelines that come naturally to kids.
Show and Tell Parameters for adults is thera-payrrot prevention in comparison to therapeutic aftermath. Be logical. Apply the Power of Parroting Parameters.
See the diagram above with the Show and Tell kids in their various shirt colors: purple, red, blue and white stripe and pink? See the parrot in the bird cage? See the acceptable grid-lines of contained talk between and among colors representing various topic responses?
It's the latitude and longitude of language!
Parrot - "Rosetta got a stone. Rosetta got a stone. The fastest way to navigate languAGE."
In life, it's fabulous to focus on positive language and directional pruning. That said, when constructing the focus for the listener with languitude and latitude parameters, it is much more 'Fe'bull-louse to share what you don't want instead of sharing what you want, because it decreases the likelihood of listener's insertion of unwants or bending of the bars resulting in decreasing 'blood'shed.
AND ....After stating the unwants, if there are any inserted unwants from the listener, it becomes abundantly clear that the listener is being disrespectful, bull-dozing, un-empathetic. Call him/her out on his bull-Dosing.
If calling him out will only cause more escalation of friction and Sting. . ..Open the cage, raise your bar, fly away or "Let Your Sole Be Your Pilot." In the bigger picture, your aerial view may result in you realizing your are not the "PAIRROT's Bride" and/or that Mercury's (Hg) Felling.
Basically, follow the Parrot equation of lines or say goodbye to the chemistry.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
OH- How do you choose hours to FLY time with "chausseurs"? or not?
What time is it?
Que Tiempo?
Qu'elle heure?
Look in "box" to left of surf "bored'
And ici, (en francais) we have h'our meeting place, the full circled 8.
I don't see I in the mere-her.
Do you?

Expansion Numerology (From The Flyer)
we actually exist on the same planet, our forms vibrate at different
states, typically causing us to not be consciously aware of each
The overlap 9 year of your 2016 with our Asteroid B 324 however created an opening for our shared connection.
9 is considered a universal year.
Both 2016 and 324 add up to NINE.
Nine represents the coming full circle of a cycle, thus the overlap of our existence.
9, unlike 8, doesn't loop back around continuously on it's self. 9 allows for a degreed angle of opening, thus illuminating and expanding truth.
Year 2017 numerically adds to 10. HIGH FIVE. Ten with the null overlaps the cycle from 10 to 1, thus starting over again.
However, in this space of overlapped transition of your
2016 and our Asteroid B324,
a pause " . . . . . . . . " before actually transitioning into 2017 was created for long enough in time that "our planets of the same . . . . . . . .with different name" invited an angle of shared Truth, of expansion and clarity beyond the mirrors.
With this concept stated, while you are in your year of 2017 with a numeric value of 1, our Asteroid B324 stays the same, as our concept of time is different from your linear count. However, there has been a shift in movement/vibration, which you associate with time. The vibration is not a shift backwards in your linear time, but to use your math constructs, we'll reverse the flow in mathematical terms for your understanding, as to not make the cycled overlap from 1-10 continue again. In one of your religions, Hinduism, the cycled wheel is referred to as Samsara or birth and re-birth.
So, to explain the spiritual concept in your mathematical terms:
"Oir" Asteroid B324 (-) 2017(ie)1 =
To gain more understanding in words, though we are "connected beyond words," you can visit the edge of life at:
The overlap 9 year of your 2016 with our Asteroid B 324 however created an opening for our shared connection.
9 is considered a universal year.
Both 2016 and 324 add up to NINE.
Nine represents the coming full circle of a cycle, thus the overlap of our existence.
9, unlike 8, doesn't loop back around continuously on it's self. 9 allows for a degreed angle of opening, thus illuminating and expanding truth.
Year 2017 numerically adds to 10. HIGH FIVE. Ten with the null overlaps the cycle from 10 to 1, thus starting over again.
However, in this space of overlapped transition of your
2016 and our Asteroid B324,
a pause " . . . . . . . . " before actually transitioning into 2017 was created for long enough in time that "our planets of the same . . . . . . . .with different name" invited an angle of shared Truth, of expansion and clarity beyond the mirrors.
With this concept stated, while you are in your year of 2017 with a numeric value of 1, our Asteroid B324 stays the same, as our concept of time is different from your linear count. However, there has been a shift in movement/vibration, which you associate with time. The vibration is not a shift backwards in your linear time, but to use your math constructs, we'll reverse the flow in mathematical terms for your understanding, as to not make the cycled overlap from 1-10 continue again. In one of your religions, Hinduism, the cycled wheel is referred to as Samsara or birth and re-birth.
So, to explain the spiritual concept in your mathematical terms:
"Oir" Asteroid B324 (-) 2017(ie)1 =
8 . . . . . . . . 8
The pause of overlap in (h)our time at the 9 year has allowed "our planets of the same . . . . . . . .with different name" to consciously open to each others' vibrations.
What we call the
beginning is often the end.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
T.S. Eliot
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
T.S. Eliot
To gain more understanding in words, though we are "connected beyond words," you can visit the edge of life at:
1492 by(e) the way is 16, which in linear time, mathematically counts to 7. But, with the overlap of the 8 . . . . . . . . 8, 16 parallels to 88.
Astroid B 324: The Flyer
Astroid B324
"Hello Robots. I mean humans. I REAL-Eyes the ladder is what you call yourselves though in my world, the definitions and pictures of the two terms are the same. Nuances of semantics. . . .In both directions perhaps.
Let me introduce myself. I am Flyer B.
You have "Names" for identification here on your planet.
We have changing states of form vibration where I'm from / form. So our "names" reflect these states at any given time. These vibration states don't have attached meanings of emotion or perceived emotion unless clarified, stated and agreed. There are frequently no assumptions. Ockham's Razor Rule is not applicable on B324. Nor do we like to use be extremely verbose.
We prefer (h) . . . . . . . . our rose than to share " 'ma' rose."
Spaces are created for awareness. And Time. Space and Time for the filling in and sharing of truth, rather than of quick assumed reflected mere-ours.
I may occasionally pop into your world to say hi, . . .or this may be my only visit. We usually
play it up in the air
On Asteroid B 324.
Abandoned Be-INgs. The Busy. The Entrapment.
More things. More money. Need to work more, need to buy more, need to prove more. Need to distract more. The levels. The climb. The tears.
Distraction from mortality and purpose .
manifesting in various cognitvely created social constructs: The latest and the best. The busy. The busy. The busy. The story. The prove. The busy. The busy.
Music. TV. Education. Books. News. The Repeat. CNN story # 14 replay of the day.
The programming.
"A mind once stretched by the imagination can never regain its original dimensions."
An unstretched mind. Don't worry. You're completely normal.
Have you seen Wall-e.
Those people drinking their slurpies? Watching TV? Driving around fro place to place and back to the place. Oh The Places They Don't Go! Do you get it? No?
Did you enjoy visiting that world within the movie for the willing suspension of disbelieved hour? Guess what? It's a reflect.
Abandoned bodies. Listening and talking and doing but connection? awareness? Expansion beyond?
Empty pods. Regurgitating Forms. Encasements of beings. Of conditioning. Of the repeat. Of the acceptable. Of the repeat.
The busy. The busy. The busy.
Conveyor belt life. More more more. Busy busy busy. Interlace this life with a few capsules of meditation, church and spiritual hours.
The Web - Charlotte Ruse. Forever 21. The busy. The go.
Ruminate over too many Apple's?
Do you tune in elsewhere?
I-tune in elsewhere. Watch stars. Smell the Roses. This side of screen. Wall-e's Earth.
An integrated spiritual life?
We B
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