You may be familiar with the 12 chi meridians of the body. Chi simply means "energy flow."
The practice of acupuncture is based within these 12 meridians. Running along the meridians of the body are numerous needle point locations that connect to various organs, tissues and emotional positions within the body, so depending on where in your soma-body you are experiencing issues, the needle will be placed accordingly.
Acupuncture can be a very beneficial technique to assuage PTSD symptomology. Everybody's PTSD and traumas manifest differently within the body, so if seeking the help of an acupuncture specialist to help with post-trauma soma-abreactions, it is important to let the practitioner know all the mapping zones in which you notice sensations.
It is also important to describe the types of sensations you are experiencing as there are many different forms of trauma sensations. Some examples may include but not be limited to:
Electrical Current sensations
Uncontrollable Body Jolts
Musculature clenching
Anatomical Holding Patterns
Neuro-Soma Integration is a great way for your body to reveal to your mind the locations in which you are storing "trauma pockets." Trauma pockets are built up chi flow blockages and soma-neuronal confusion bundles which interrupt optimal functioning chi flow.
NSI allows for natural dissipation of soma trauma pockets. On it's own accord, when in supine position, and placing the body into resting state healing potential positioning, the mind unconsciously scans the body for these blockages. Once they are identified by the mind, the body calls the mind into soma-location for healing, similar to a "sick cell" calling the immune system cells for a helping response. Similar to how the body has cytochines and other chemical signals calling for the immune system, the body too has electrical signals that are sent to the mind calling for healing from the mind. Once the mind is invited into these soma-locations of body, healing begins to happen.
In this space of healing, sometimes the mind is aware of psychological and cognitive memories and/or associations to soma-trauma manifestations and sometimes the mind is not consciously aware of any connection. Whether the healing happens in the conscious or unconscious aspects of the mind is irrelevant with respect to returning to a non PTSD-resting state of body. Please know and trust that the mind and body have just the right complementary relationship that they need to have. You will be consciously aware of the mind-body connections in which you need to know . . . and there will also be healing and emotional repairs that happen on the outskirts of your cognitive mind.
At times while laying in supine position on a yoga mat on the floor, while breathing into your entire being and letting gravity fall the muscles away from your bones, you may start to shake in your being or in your breath and/or you may cry tears in eyes. To repeat, sometimes you will be aware of the emotional cognitive connections and sometimes you will not.
In these times of mind-soma disconnect, you will not have any cognitive understanding for why your mind and body are crying and/or shaking. These unconscious aspects are ok because the healing is happening behind the scenes of your mind that needs to happen. The understanding of certain soma-trauma healing may be beyond human understanding and conscious ability to make sense of things.
At my office in La Jolla, California, I can guide you through NSI post-trauma and PTSD healing experiences. You will be sent home with body diagrams notating the energetic blockages and places in your body in which:
- you experienced sensations or in which
- involuntary movements were observed.
Various sensations will be recorded by different symbols. The body usually starts to invite the mind to repair PTSD soma-connections in the upper thorasic region first, followed by the lower extremities. The upper left side or the heart space is often the first part of the body to allow for connection and entry from the mind. This location is designated as #1. The upper Right thorasic area is defines as #2. The lower left body is #3 and the lower right body is designated as body space #4. There is no right or wrong of body release patterns. Thus far, it has just been observed that this is a common body pathway for PTSD de-activation and the return to a non-activated resting state.
Regardless of whether or not you come to my office, a self help technique you can try at home that helps to reset the entire body's nervous system to a calm resting energy and vibration, (helping to engage the parasympathetic nervous system and let go of the sympathetic nervous system activation) is the "Intramuscular Circular Reflex Arc."
Place your middle finger and ring finger toward the outside of your pectoralis muscles of your chest. . . close to your shoulders. If you palpate around the outer surrounding area of the chest muscles, you will notice that on both sides of the body, there are tender points. Place your middle and ring fingers at these designated tender points. Apply relative pressure to suit your needs and move your fingers in circular motions in the direction of moving toward the arms as notated in diagram above.
Do this motion for as long of a duration that feels right for you. This circular motion helps to reset the body's stress response to a resting state. This location is like a hub to chi flows. Somehow the counterclockwise circular motion results in soma-tension release of body holding patterns that are spread throughout the entire body, even though you are only focused in this one spot. It is equivalent to a transmitter for radio broadcast. You speak to that spot and the message gets carried all around the being.
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