Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Maximum learning

People have different ways of learning. Regardless of learning style, we all take in new information and attach it to our pre-existing internal foundational base of related content. I refer to this process as anchoring.

We make connections, bridge gaps and eliminate potential discrepancies between newly acquiesced information and previously existing information in order to paint a picture in our minds that makes sense.

When one truly cares about learning wisdom of mind and body from another's expertise, and she wants to build an accurate internal picture including this new wisdom, sometimes clarification by the talker for the listener is needed.  If the listener hears what the educator is teaching, but somehow there is an aspect of the material that doesn't make sense to the listener and/or something about the new material conflicts with the pre-established cognitive framework, the listener may ask questions for clarification such that proper anchoring can occur.

When a question is posed by the learner, it is important that the educator answer the exact question within the design and parameters asked for  by the learner.  If the educator doesn't stay within the contextual framework of the learner, he not only makes the learning process more difficult, but he may truncate the desire for integration of new content by the learner. 

 The educator's answer framed within the order and perspective of the learner may not make logical sense in terms of the educator's framework, but if the goal is maximizing learning potential for a student (of any kind), a perceived illogical question from the educator shouldn't matter. What should matter is filtering and funneling the information it in a way that will make sense to the person trying to understand the content.

Now that an ideal learning and teaching scenario has been established with respect to answering clarification questions that allows for anchoring and assimilatiion of new content, it is important to know that it is not uncommon for the educator to take the learner's specific question and spin or angle the answer such that it makes logical sense in the educator's mind.  

Having been a teacher, and having had difficulties learning myself, when a teacher  tries to be helpful by answering a student's question in a newly organised fashion from from the teacher's perspective, it is not only frustrating but the content is not absorbed and properly fitted.

Please stop trying to help be of more help by reframing questions through your lens. After you clarify the answer to the student from the student's perspective, a teacher may then ask the student to repeat what she has learned in order to make sure the points were properly acquiesced. If they haven't been, it may be helpful to try the teacher's perspective approach to answer the secondary questions.
I write using the words "teacher" and "student. "Please keep in mind that we are all in both of these roles at any given time. 

One more teaching related practice that is important to keep in mind is: allowing for mistakes to be made. There is a process that happens within the brain following a mistake. Often, the brain will recognize a mistake shortly after it has been made. This recognition causes a pause in time and a space to reflect on what caused the mistake. By the second time for practice, the mistake will often have been corrected. By the third time, if the mistake hasn't been automatically corrected by the learner, the teacher can then go back and point out the problem. Sometimes it's is important for a student to get into motion without being continuously stopped so the negative frustration aspects of learning don't outweigh the enjoyment of the practice.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Your body is your mobile home. Sense into it and prevent repair work as if it were your car.

 Balance Your House of Soul - You Chi?

I use the phrase "sense into it" in the title rather than "listen to it," as the attunement of mind and body is beyond just the ears. We must listen with all our senses . . .including that of "humor."

Get in tune with your mind and body to create bilateral balancing by noticing body holding patterns and adjusting for discrepancies such that your soma-being is "even-keel," not favoring or leaning to one side or the other.

Move through the world such that both sides of your body get equal attention and activity to prevent future pain and problems. Maintain and create symmetry.  Balance of mind and body and balance of sides of body are fundamental in terms of health optimization.

 Listen to your body's wisdom as if were the engine of your car, for your body is your vehicle.  With fine tuned senses, you will be able to detect subtle changes in need of your attention.

 Prevention of ailments is a much 'easier softer way' in comparison to dealing with the aftermath of medical problems. Furthermore, when the house of body is compared to real estate, just as some homes are deemed "teardowns" when the financial cost/work of fixing the property exceeds the worth of house, the soul too, may decide to abandon body and relocate.  Repair of form may not be worth it to the larger investor, especially considering the previous state of acceptable affairs.  

Depending on how invested and attached you are to your current body's house, you may want to do the necessary maintenance work to maximize your current investment of time and form.

No pressure.  You can live your life in the "my way" shape or the"Yahweh" haha.

For other video topics related to and, visit this link at:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Energetic Vibrations at

I was at the beach last year and I watched two people attempting to photograph a crane.  They had an entire bag of photography gear including their camera and tripod.  They moved in closer and closer to this crane in attempt to capture a shot and I thought to myself, “that camera looks like it has a big zoom on it.  I wonder why they are getting so close?  Can’t they see or feel that the bird is about to fly away?” 
Within the next step, the bird took flight.  It didn’t fly that far however, so the team of two was able to try again.  They picked up their photography gear, the bag, their camera and tripod.  It was actually a fairly big production of relocation, probably taking them four minutes in total.
 I stood back and watched, somehow knowing to myself that they were going to do the exact same thing.  I watched them put down their camera bag.  I watched them take their cameras and the tripod and step closer and closer into the bird’s acceptable space of radial distance.  Within a second, again, it took flight.
 “What was going on in this scene?” I asked myself.  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry? “Were these two people really so out of touch with the energetic vibrations the bird was giving off?  Did they really have to be getting so close?  The crane was just trying to enjoy his dinner after a long day of probably having to steer clear of the busy beach.”
“Were these two so out of touch with their eyes that the subtle movement cues generated by the bird’s legs, wings and head were in their blind spots? (Were their occipital nerves attached to their brains? Anyway.  What was their need to keep getting closer and closer and closer and closer?”  
Now that I think about it, their actions are probably just the norm these days in our culture. Nothing wrong with their behaviors.  They just are what they are. 
To add language context to their behavioral choice of encroaching upon the bird, the United States has more word variations for the words “me” and “I” than any other country in the world.  This number suggests our focus on self is of primary importance.  Inuits have over 1000 words they use in order to describe snow.  Why?  Because it is the focus of their culture.   
Based on this anthropological statistic, I deduce that perhaps it has been me who has been stuck in my own “freeze” frame and out of touch with “the out of touch,” rather than the two men being disconnected or even unconnected. Upon reflection, these two men seem fully in touch ….literally with the “current” surroundings.   While last year I had an internal judgment about them, I took some time to set myself free from my own built cage and  . . .well I don’t know how I feel about the scenario anymore.
I now recall this story from last year because a few weeks ago, I was talking to a store clerk.  He was explaining something to me, and I felt he was a bit too close within my acceptable energetic distance space between bodies.  Like the crane, I subtly and politely stepped back, not wanting to make an overt incident of the matter.  I could have easily chosen to express my voice had I wanted to make a statement.  It wasn’t about not “ruffling his feathers,” it’s just that during that moment, it wasn’t that important to me.  Maybe it would have been a bigger deal had he been spit talking life Daffy Duck! While not saying anything,  I did  however, step back, and when I did,  the clerk stepped forward.  “Ha,” I thought internally to myself.  I wonder if I had “tested the waters” and stepped back again, if he would have started to tango.
            Due to cultural conditioning, various tribes have acceptable norms for various things, including social distance ranges between people.   The clerk was Caucasian and from the United States but he must have energetically been an Egyptian or a Brazilian.  Come to think of it, perhaps the photographers were as well. . . .hahaha.
Unlike cultural variances of acceptable talking proximities, animals in the wild have an overall distance requirement ratio from other in order to ensure their safety.  That said, I guess if we modernize the word “wild,” with respect to this safety fact, the new meaning would have varying acceptable distance ranges dependent upon how much city life and exposure that animals have to us human beings. The safety distance ratio has to do with an energetic vibration that is detected or sensed through the environmental surroundings. 
Us humans have become very conditioned to be out of touch with energetic vibrations that surround us in nature.  Radio, TV, constant chatter and humming of electrical xyz coupled with our cultural focus on “self” has numbed our abilities to be “tuned in” …..other than to the Nature Channel.  Our sensing abilities for energetic vibrations of other are not our only senses numbed.  Can you think of other life aspects of life that dull our abilities to energetically sense?  Think about smell, touch, sight etc.  Think about perfumes, volumes in which we listen, the amount of filler words in our talk.  How much do you think “flies under the radar” with our conditioned inabilities to detect truth in our surroundings.  Much energetic vibrations are beyond human senses as we are currently conditioned, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.  If you were to watch ducks swimming around in a pond, you could visibly see the energetic ripples radiating off  ducks’ bodies and affecting their swimming choices between and among each other.  These same ripples exist between and among us in the air. 
If we want to build solid structural relationships that last, it is important to respect the “crane.” 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Power of kNOT Now

Not everything has to be expressed or resolved in one setting. Not all perspectives and conversations have to be balanced at any one given time. If we step back for a moment and let go of the need to be heard, understood and seen in that moment, the likelihood of connecting with ourselves and with other over the course of time is much more likely.

We become attached to ego acceptance and respect from other especially when in conjunction with a feeling and or idea.  We practically grab "other" with an energetic choke-hold and force him/her to either regurgitate spew, walk away and or agree with (k)nodding head.

If we truly hear "other" and not feel the need to add anything dialogue other than "I hear you," it creates a different relationship exchange. Any shift in expected and routined interaction will elicit a different response in the moment.  Moments added to moments shift the relationship picture over the course of time.

If we are able to stay "grounded" while not inserting ego, reminding ourselves of the bigger picture, we will have the power of timelessness to manifest the power of now.

To help us stay non reactive in the now, we can practice various grounding exercises and simultaneously  listen to someone while restraining our need for insertion.

Grounding exercises can be things such as listening while also:

1. Focusing on breath,
2. Listening to background sounds
3. Feeling the sun on face
4. Noticing a pretty color of the wall
5. Feeling the sensation of your skin as your hold your own hand
6. Smelling an oil or flower
7. Anything that helps your not get stuck in the wrestling ring of egos

When we don't get trapped in the ring of now,  we have future opportunities to make subtle moves and sayings that are much more apt to influence someone with your ego knowings. It's not about winning, it's about sharing.

For example, if we spend our time arguing about which is better to walk or stand on... the grass or the rock..... We won't get anywhere. If one just hears the other that the grass is better and puts aside the rock attachment.... it really does get greener on the other side (not because of the grass). As the path of life continues, you will share the walk..and on that walk, you might be barefoot and discover that a rock under the ball of your foot serves as a good massage mechanism. You might share with your partner on this walk how amazing this warm rock feels on your foot . . . Never revisiting the previous conversation of rock and crass debate. You are subtly influencing the topic and partner rather than force fighting or throwing rocks in glass houses.  Depending on the recipient, you may not even say anything in words about the rock, you may just give yourself a moment to enjoy the sensation. "Other" will notice, perhaps beyond conscious cognitive mind of defense and ego. Over time, you well notice subtle integrations, manifestations and expressions of rock concepts.

The Power of Time.
Erosion of "blades and edges"