Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Power of kNOT Now

Not everything has to be expressed or resolved in one setting. Not all perspectives and conversations have to be balanced at any one given time. If we step back for a moment and let go of the need to be heard, understood and seen in that moment, the likelihood of connecting with ourselves and with other over the course of time is much more likely.

We become attached to ego acceptance and respect from other especially when in conjunction with a feeling and or idea.  We practically grab "other" with an energetic choke-hold and force him/her to either regurgitate spew, walk away and or agree with (k)nodding head.

If we truly hear "other" and not feel the need to add anything dialogue other than "I hear you," it creates a different relationship exchange. Any shift in expected and routined interaction will elicit a different response in the moment.  Moments added to moments shift the relationship picture over the course of time.

If we are able to stay "grounded" while not inserting ego, reminding ourselves of the bigger picture, we will have the power of timelessness to manifest the power of now.

To help us stay non reactive in the now, we can practice various grounding exercises and simultaneously  listen to someone while restraining our need for insertion.

Grounding exercises can be things such as listening while also:

1. Focusing on breath,
2. Listening to background sounds
3. Feeling the sun on face
4. Noticing a pretty color of the wall
5. Feeling the sensation of your skin as your hold your own hand
6. Smelling an oil or flower
7. Anything that helps your not get stuck in the wrestling ring of egos

When we don't get trapped in the ring of now,  we have future opportunities to make subtle moves and sayings that are much more apt to influence someone with your ego knowings. It's not about winning, it's about sharing.

For example, if we spend our time arguing about which is better to walk or stand on... the grass or the rock..... We won't get anywhere. If one just hears the other that the grass is better and puts aside the rock attachment.... it really does get greener on the other side (not because of the grass). As the path of life continues, you will share the walk..and on that walk, you might be barefoot and discover that a rock under the ball of your foot serves as a good massage mechanism. You might share with your partner on this walk how amazing this warm rock feels on your foot . . . Never revisiting the previous conversation of rock and crass debate. You are subtly influencing the topic and partner rather than force fighting or throwing rocks in glass houses.  Depending on the recipient, you may not even say anything in words about the rock, you may just give yourself a moment to enjoy the sensation. "Other" will notice, perhaps beyond conscious cognitive mind of defense and ego. Over time, you well notice subtle integrations, manifestations and expressions of rock concepts.

The Power of Time.
Erosion of "blades and edges"

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