Sunday, January 15, 2017

Oxytocin Types:The new "Standard Deviants." ...I 'mean' people.

Current Situation:

There is currently ONE HUMAN PERSONALITY PROTOTYPE for what is considered the model of a "normal" personality.  Of course, there is a certain amount of standard deviation acceptable on either side of this "normal human personality."

Based on an acceptable bell curve and associated standard deviation range from this 'average person prototype', the DSM-5 or Diagnostic Statistical Manual diagnoses and treats various psychological illnesses that fall outside  of "acceptable norm."

Current peer reviewed scientific research demonstrates that there are primarily two types of people in this world:  (low oxytocin) AA people and (high oxyxtocin) GG/AG people.  

Based on scientific research, it is suggested that we diagnose and treat various psychological illnesses that fall outside of two bell curves and associated standard deviation ranges from the two average person prototypes.

These two types of people have unique educational learning styles, social interaction preferences, language structures, mental imagery, schematics and imagination ability These two types of people respond to childhood trauma differentlyMemory retention and ways of recall are different between the two typesUnderpinning reasons for turning to addiction are different.  

Do you understand the impacts of judging human personalities with two ranges of acceptable norms in comparison to one?

As a result, there would be much less psychiatric diagnoses, therapies and prescriptions, as people's innate genetic personality differences and their psychological manifestations in the world would be more accepted.

More variation of human psyche associated with the two colored personalities would be accepted just like Blacks and Whites are accepted.  Color, whether external or internal is not a choice.  We are born with our colored personalities just like we are born with our skins.

People wouldn't have to go into psychological hiding due to reactions and pathologizing from other.  When I write "hiding," I don't mean of any major variety.  Hiding and perceived judging (based on previous responses from the world) could look like:

1. Quieting an excited response in public after a movie so as not to be thought of as "weird" by other.
2. Shutting down the description of a friend as a "plutonic girlfriend" if one wants the listener to understand the sexual dynamic. (considering we do live in a complex sexual world)
3. Forcing self to have a lengthy conversation even though one doesn't want to.
4. Not desiring more than one friend but creating activities for multiple friends due to social judgment.

Dependent upon whether one is high oxytocin or Blue type or low oxytocin or Orange type, these four examples would be perceived and reacted to very differently.

37% of the global population is Blue type
63% of the global population is Orange type

Which personality type do you think is less accepted by peers? more likely to get their psyches boxed in?

Which personality type do you think is more accepted as "normal" in the DSM-5?

The Standard Deviants? of Blue?  of Orange

Blue.  Code Blue.  The psychological community needs to rebuilt its structure.  Orange are you up for an overhaul?

Decreased prescriptions? MERCKy hope.

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