Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pompeiid Trauma Triggers & Password Questions: Ongoing Compartmentalized Life Trauma

Why do passwords ask memory questions associated with such specific things in past life?  How is it right that when attempting to log into your bank account.....if you are in a new location, it is ok for these types of institutions to ask security questions to bring you back to memories throughout life in which actually .. . . have no desire to travel?

Futhermore.....the more complex one's inner world is, the more difficult it is to recall the nuance of password entry.  For example:  First pet animal's name:

The inner dialogue might sound like,

"Hmmm....did I give them the cat?   the fish?  the turtle?  the  dog? They were all around the same time"
"Oh gosh. .. .did I capitalize the letter of the name?"
"Did I spell it in the foreign language version or the Americanized version?"

etc. etc. etc.

You've already been LOCKED OUT.

No big deal....this is how "the busy".....well.....keeps us busy.......on the side of doing the things we enjoy in life.  Wow....what if we had too much time to just be.......I wonder?  Would we see some of the incongruencies in life that we've been taught?  Would we have a clearer picture of truth?  Anyway...... aside from minor annoyances with password protections, for those who have trauma or can be another story.

Life trauma is different from (and in biological ways similar to) POWs and veteran related combat fighting.

When someone has experienced trauma related to their personal lives, their triggers can be anything related to their personal lives .....  the content of triggers may seem completely neutral to surrounding people.  Content may even seem positive to surrounding people. .....But is far from positive for the inner world of one experiencing life trauma.  If they are not overtly expressive about the effects of content and/or words and/or tone and/or facial expression on their inner world . .. . ..either by being vociferous, through behavior or pulling away, the surrounding person or people may never know the internal impacts on someone. 

  For example  . .. .if someone has personal life trauma, something as subtle as:

"You seem in a good mood today" can be triggering.

How could this statement possibly affect someone in a bad way right?

Well.....if we think about life in terms of a spectrum of + integers and - integers .....or the yin yang concept, there are oppositional forces associated with all concepts ....associated with everything.  

Dependent upon one's perception of external environment and/or the way in which content is filtered through inner environmental milleu, it is perceived as positive or negative, regardless of the associated external value and/or the conditioned norm.  There is no intrinsic value to things.

This concept of language is like natural selection.  If there has been a scorched earth fire and foliage has been burned except for the green leaves at the top of trees, the giraffes with long necks will survive simply because they can reach the tall leaf trees.  The long necks are not innately a positive or negative thing.  The long necks only become a positive thing if the lower leaves have been burned.  This concept is how genetic shift happens.  Actually, it often happens quite rapidly and the process is called punctuated equilibrium. (It can also happen over the course of time with selection slowly gravitating toward the positive variables of the species).

Another example is, what color owls do you think would survive in the arctic and not be plucked off as easily by a predator?  White. Therefore, the majority of owls in artic areas are snowy white.  There is a natural selection toward this color in terms of mating and passing on the white genes.  A white owl however would probably not be as camouflaged in a green and brown forest.  Therefore, the white snowy owl would be an easy target by the fox who is hungry. A white owl is not intrinsically a good or bad color owl simply depends upon the environmental variables.

Ok....back to the example:  "You seem in a good mood today"

Well, for one who has not experienced trauma which they have had to compartmentalize in order to function, "You seem in a good mood today" is neutral and/or positive.

However, in terms of the integer and yin/yang concept.... the judgment from other with respect to your mood being "good".....also by default, invites the internal reverse.  Even if the person is in a good mood on any given day when the interactor makes the statement, if the receiver person has unresolved and unprocessed, un-integrated life trauma, the statement invites the awareness of the compartmentalized reverse. ...that in fact...... "No I'm overall not in a good mood overall."

This concept is particularly true if the life trauma situation is not only not resolved but ongoing.   For example, if someone has an open litigation scenario in which they might be facing years in jail........and they are waiting to hear the outcome of the scenario, that person may keep going in life, enjoy facets of life, connect in relationships, smell the flowers, surf the waves.......with an ability to compartmentalize the jail time scenario.  However, when the statement, "You seem in a good mood today" enters the picture, it can instantly burst the compartmentalization bubble and join the "trauma pocket" with the fabric of the rest of life.  The result is ....a psychological bleed.

In any case, this example is just one example of semantics with respect to trauma language land minds.  Keep the concept in mind for general purposes not only for those experiencing we as humans have a tendency to fill space and time with the most ridiculous talk related things.  Also, we fill time with many assumptions in our language.  We talk about things outside of the now and without permission ....ask prurient questions and or questions related to topics that the person being asked really doesn't want to talk about.  So if you are the person asking the question be mindful of the content.  If you are a person receiving the question, keep in mind that ultimately you have the power to redirect the conversation, and or let the talker directly know that you have no desire to talk about X,Y, Z.

Trauma triggers of language affect one's mood.  After the bubble is popped or the compartmentalization is removed from the pocket, it takes some time to re-bubble and tuck the trauma away again.  

During this scenario, internally, cortisol is released.  The sympathetic nervous system is activated.  The throat can feel as if it is experiencing closure.  Muscles contract.  It is certainly not a part of a "good mood day" or "hour" ......the time in which it takes to separate trauma from living again depends upon the individual and his designed strategies.

This same trauma eliciting language concept can occur with respect to security questions.  Not only are security questions invasive of self to self......and not only are they difficult for people with complex inner worlds to remember the nuance variation.....but they are triggering for someone with trauma. They are can be emotionally evoking for someone who is sensitive and or who has an eidedic memory.

 I am currently working with a few clients who are going through a divorce processes. Do they have PTSD and/or trauma?  Maybe.  PTSD and trauma can affect anyone, even if the life adjustments affect many people (as divorce is the norm these days occurring at 50% rate).  What may seem like a normal event to one person may be internally trauma evoking to another person.  Part of this difference has to do with internal value one places on something coupled with how foundational the challenged belief system is to the individual's core psyche.  If the concept is beyond cognitive understanding of the core psyche, more alarm may go off as the concept registers as "PATHOGEN ALERT to mind" or "INVADER....ENEMY......WAR"

 The prurient security questions such as the ones given as examples in the bank security questions are so unnecessary, discriminating and  invasive to one experiencing ongoing compartmentalized life trauma.  

Honestly, I'm sure the individual being asked the passwords would much prefer his/her bank account to be hacked into.  After-all, isn't there a 100,000 coverage for Federally insured banks? joke.

The US passport agency even likes to celebrate a divorce if it's a birthday.  So if you haven't memorized your divorce date like you have your anniversary date or a will be POMPEIID in your mind after renewing your passport.  Woo hoo!  I guess this is an amazing date if it is the best thing that has ever happened to you.......and if that were the case....a whole other set of psychological questions could be asked of you.

Further Investigations:  Aside from trauma, perhaps the DSM-Vs "BORDERLINE" should also be re-investigated with these underpinning concepts in mind.  Maybe if there weren't so many 'LINES' the unsuspected responses wouldn't get elicited.

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