Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Adam's Apple: D'core. Word?

What if  for 30 days people were required to engage in all communication with their mouths shut?
I wonder what people could learn about each other and about humanity without all the built in cognitive assumptions that lace every comment and every question and every response  that people aren't even aware of?

I wonder what people's  tolerance threshold in terms of time allowance and willingness of effort to understand each other would be via communication without words in comparison to tolerance and willingness allotted for other accompanying spoken language.

Because...... let me tell you something with my mouth via writing.....

When  communicating with talking mouths and ears, people really don't listen to each other. 
People filter the receipt of spoken and written words through individualized ego, personalized experiences, attenuated focus, rationalized sense making, and through how they want to operate in the world and what is convenient for them. 

They filter spoken language through their created emotions attached to cognitive constructs whether these cognitive constructs are true or not. The associated emotions are very true and perceived as very real. 

So, people pretend to pause time and really listen to others. They  even pretend to themselves.
The reality is that people simply do not listen without inserting their own egos.
There is an inability to create a willing suspension of disbelief of the self such that other can truly be understood  from the world in which they are existing in and which they experience life.
Not out of pernicion, but due to programmed societal intergenerational default and people's overlaid egos on a "mass" level, people are not aware of the threads that have been sewn awry. In fact if there was an awareness of these arrived threads the whole "Tapestry" framework would change King's notes. 

People cannot see in reality...... that the emperpr really is wearing new clothes sewn by the tailors with invisible threads. 

Children are programmed and conditioned to believe and interpret that the emperor was blind. The reality is that it is the children's  eyes that are being sewn shut blinded from truth.
People are blinded to invisibility in which they cannot see and thus they teach their children the same.
"Eat an apple a day," as the expression goes.

Apples don't fall far from the trees in which they grow.

In the Bible, Eve eats the apple.  The Apple symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is shared through words. It is The Word that is flawed. It is words that are poisonous and it is the words that turn situations into 'the Pitts. ' 

The apple of knowledge creates and disconnects people at the core. The apple of knowledge is root of all "Evil".....In reeverse......."Live'. ..   

It is not Eve's fault that she took a bite out of the Apple. This concept is not meant to Blair ....I mean blame women.  Eve took a bite out of Adam's apple.
An Adam's apple is not meant to blame men..... .. an Adam's apple is simpy the voice box that creates the problems.

If Adam has the apple and Eve takes a bite of the Apple...... Even if they are both Macs .... Inevitably there will be communication errors.
Within a 'Mac'  Apple operating base, what is seen on the front end of the screen .....or the presentation of HiSs (hOS) image ...is not the same as what is coded for within the back end of the Mac. 

People will have talking and listening communication errors even if their operating systems are the same and updated.  Transmission of cultural focus with respect to time keeps people's operating systems on testing 'base.' 

I wonder how people's understanding and love for each other would change at the core without the apple?

What if for 30 days, people were only allowed to communicate with each other via body demonstrations of concepts, hand gestures, drawings, eye signalling,  using objects for references Etc?

Without the familiar territory of  "Battleship talk" in which people have their "anchors"of psyche and awareness charted and plotted, their layers of latitude and longitude can evolve into  laisse-tude which is a much more fair course. 

As language currently stands, ..... exchanged word coordinates  result in "sinking/synching " of others' boats. 

Swim away in body. Break free of spoke word. Eh men?
La Vie en Rose


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