Friday, April 21, 2017

Facebook Golemizers

This statement is not intended to be pesimistic.. ...It is intended to portray a reality learned via people's anecdotal 'shares'.

Many people seem to judge one's entire life, being and character by the sliver seen on Facebook.

Perhaps many are undynamic in nature, thus allowing for an ability to capture the entire "self" on Facebook, resulting in their projection of this 'self' onto others.

Aside from the Facebook wedge of psyche golemizing the entire person. ....

Be careful . . .Censorship of speech is important. The First Amendment and the Free Press Clause do not seem to apply to Facebook.

Save any of life's anger for "therapy" in which your payment ensures your safety to express thoughts (exclusion of Tarasoff Law)

This statement is not a self-plug for business.....Though of.course you are welcomed.

External expression of anger is an important step in one's healing of perceived injustices though in many cultures it is not socially acceptable.

Beating a punching bag and releasing physical anger .... converting cortisol to dopamine is good for the body ....But it does not serve as a drain for the mind.

Also. . .

Don't allow for a therapist to simply move you into any possible "sadness below the anger."

Sometimes, sadness does not exist below the anger. Sometimes, it is not helpful to move into sadness as it can often be associated with acquiescing of someone else's overlaid truth resulting in unnecessary personal disempowerment.

If your story is your truth, hold onto it!

Allow for others to judge, but don't allow for their internal positioning of you externally framed in language to lasso you into their scripts.

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