Friday, April 28, 2017

Parents!!! Unsleeping "Beau"ty: Re-sCRYPTed stories

"Unsleeping Beauty"

Parents: When you read children storybooks, and/or watch Disney/Pixar  movies,  re-script the endings to invite alternative possibilities. 

Most children's fables and movies are written with a prince type of character rescuing the princess in distress. 

  • What type of pressures for both genders do you think are created by this story-line?
  • How do you think these story endings affect men's and women's views of each other?
  • How do you think these imprinted suggestions may actually manifest the reverse of a 'happily ever after' ending?

Dialogue with children about alternative endings to stories not only decrease internalized gender pressures and decrease role related gender assumptions of other,  but it re-positions placement of ego self with respect to other.

Furthermore, inviting the creation of alternative story endings expands imaginative potential.
"A mind once stretched by the imagination never regains it's original dimensions."

(Biology lens):
An increased imagination results in increased empathy levels due to oxytocin level changes associated with increased mental perspective ability. 

(Spiritual lens):
One possible suggestion for an alternative Sleeping Beauty ending that is more spiritual in nature might sound like: 

"And She lived happily ever after without the prince because her Higher Self, "Miss Unsleeping Beauty" came to awaken and enlighten Sleeping Beauty so she could see and experience the world with "two" clarity. 

From this lens of Eyes Wide Open, as an adult, when Sleeping Beauty doesn't get her "wants" met by Mr. P. 'Rinse', (I mean Tom) she doesn't have to 'wash' her hands of him, nor does she have to flood him with over-demands or drown herself in 'tears' for those unmet. It begins with the Kid - man.
Re-script the stories of perception. Or rec-EYE-cle deception. 

The way you choose your view is really up to you......Imprint it on .. ...You know who. 

Just be careful of the reflect
That it is not something you regret
Or that you want to deflect 

"Mirror mirror on the wall."

If you slip-her Cinderella's broken glass version #2, how might the ending change her view......Yours too!


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