Saturday, May 14, 2016

8 Family Fantasy Friend's 8

8 Family Fantasy Friend's 8 Character Examples

Using concepts from Edging Life, make family personality points and requests by using humor and laughing with animated externalized projections of self or representative projections of perceived other.  

This concept can be used by parents or by kids. It's a family dynamic right?  Teach kids how to communicate emotional needs and how they are affected too.  Model for them so they can in turn model for you. 

Teach your children how to communicate and make points and  they will in turn help you to become better parents and better husband and wives.  "It's a family affair."

These 8 externalized characters are just a few examples that create cohesive bonding experiences within the family dynamic.   

Confucius - The wise one may pop his head out if the parent or child has something profound and memorable s/he wants to share.

Monkey-See-Monkey Do - This one may "howler" at you if it is important to the person to do something different and/or break out of routine.  

The Witch - Is someone in the family in a bad mood today?  Being cranky?  Unnecessarily obnoxious?  Show him/her he is affecting you by his affect, demeanor and behavior.

The Teacher - Tired of the lessons?  Want to have fun?  Let mom or dad know by explaining to them in a loving way that you have had enough and need a break.  Stop words from falling on deaf ears. 
Make points in other ways from using your mouths.

The Bee - Is someone in your family going at too fast a pace?  Ask them to stop being such a busy bee.  Life enjoys the sweet taste of honey.  Not to just make it all the time.  Or is someone in the family interfering too much in your affairs?  In a loving way . . .tell them to buzz off.

The Nurse - Is someone in the family a hypochondriac?  Or is someone often looking for trouble?  Reflect back to the person your experience of him so that he has an opportunity to accurately see himself and make possible better changes in behavior and cognitive patterns in order to better the relational dynamic.  People so want to be good.  They so want to be the best people they can be and to be good parents or kids or lovers.  Sometimes we just get stuck and need a little help to get un"sick."  Words, are often not the way to go about getting change to happen.  Laughter is the best antidote for any nurse needed.

The Voo-Doo man -  Create a shrine in your house with an ambiguous voo-doo character.  It is also important to create a shrine with a cheerleader and a superman!!!! Honor the good as well as acknowledging growth areas. When someone is being really obnoxious, rather than say things you regret and or treat them badly . . . .show them how you feel.  Don't throw sticks and stones....jab their representations with needles.  Acupuncture of the spirit!  Woo hoo.

The Santa Claus -  Bring a type of this guy out to show that you really want something and that it is important to you whether it be emotional, physical, event attending or a purchase.  Be careful to not use him all the time or he will become like the "boy who cried wolf" version of the request form. 

Remember, these characters are used to make points.  If you use them too often, they start to become mundane.  BUT WAIT!  That is ok.  Then you just have to use your imagination to come up with new characters!!!

Even if you don't get (X), what you are asking for from the other person or family member, you create your own internal humor and fun, so that if someone else is being a curmudgeon, it doesn't affect you as much.  

X could mean:
  •  a request for something (attendance at an event, a tangible thing, change in homework, affection)
  • you want the other person to see how his/her behavior affects you
  • you are trying to show how you internally feel and be understood by other

 You have solved your own cortisol issue with your own dopamine.  By decreasing your desire onto other, you may just get what you want at a later point in time because F3 removes the unseen emotional pressure.  The unseen emotional pressure acts like a magnet with +,+ or -,- in that it creates an unconscious repulsion.

Family Fantasy Friends is the self-help therapy solution for any family of most ages 6-106.   

As most of us like connection with "others," hopefully "the others" will join - in the fun and - in the creating of real working relationships without the divorce, splitting and/or distancing hardship.  It will transform those family relationships that are in co-exist mode.

Hopefully members will realize the importance of "together-bonding" and understand how emotional sharing or inter-bonding affects family personality cohesiveness.   If others don't want to participate and they want to be "party poopers,"  you have still created your own party without them.  You can even design your own party pooper doll. HAHAHAH!!

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