Sunday, May 8, 2016

Origami Therapy

Origami Therapy

An Origami Therapist takes unilateral planes of existence and socially conditioned realities, facilitates by making a few folds in life and transforms your view into an aerial perspective.
An Origami therapist understands life and interactions within it from new "unseen before" angles.
Perception is all relative. If you don't get stuck in the false overlaid views from others . . if you don't buy into their false beliefs and judgements, you have the chance to live a life of flying. Living a life of flying does not mean living a life of running or existing in a life of fighting. An origami life transcends the 5 Fs:
1. Fight
2. Flight/Flee
3. Freeze
4. Food
5. Fornication
Don't get me wrong:
1°. healthy dialoguing
2°. moving & travelling,
3°. pausing
4°. eating
5°. physical intimacy and/or reproduction
can all be amazing things if we honor the spirit. Honoring the spirit of self and other is quite a different experience than protecting ego. There is a fine line between the 5 Fs and their mirrored reflections 5F°s.
I use the term "mirrored," but Origami Therapy doesn't simply reflect back what already exists . . . it takes what exists, makes a few folds and allows for light to enter into crevices previously obscured by mirrored reflection.
An origami life is "Free" of the F entrapments.
At San Diego Therapy, An Origami life consists of LIVIN4d and Edging Life, such that balance and harmony is achieved between body and mind, and between the inner and outer worlds.
An Origami Life allows for true visibility and true nourishing of each unique soul/sole.
When individuality is truly seen, respected and appreciated, relationships can fly together in harmony and enhance the individual as well as the collective source (energy exchange and flow and manifest).
These relationships may be of: romance, of friends, of parent child and/or of the self.
An Origami therapist will transform your life in any "facet of being" you desire because it is not about ruminating on details nor is it about reconditioning stuck emotional patterns or focusing on negative places.
Origami therapy opens aerial insight into new angles of knowing such that the past, present and future of self and other take on different meaning.

If an Origami crane lands on your car, receive 1/2 off a session.

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