Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Le'go of Lego lines. Enjoy them for breakfast or sing along with Shakira

Legos are great.  Don't get me wrong, especially for teaching building structure,  support and three-dimensional perspective. Using the production of Legos for a metaphorical example of the US school system, I feel like teaching students by the standards with a mandated suffocating curriculum and teaching for test result purposes, drastically decreases opportunities for open-ended questions and imaginative thinking. 

Standardized people?   Lego Schools standardize children so that as adults, they can can go assemble Legos for a living and be ok with the standardization. Nothing wrong with assembling legos by assembled people.  

Is everybody sleeping?  You lucky things!!  How did you do it?  Can you please write a blog teaching me how?

Legos making legos. I guess Lego lines would be preferred by the esoteric few, as it decreases competition.  Shakira's legos are exceptional lines to the lines.  Is it a coincidence that some of the smartest people have lego of school?  Bill "Gates."  He opened the "door."

 The shapes of our brains can be changed as they are malleable, especially at a young age, but they are atrophying as students sit in boxed in walls learning things day after day, week after week month after month, year after year, as if they're in Lego manufacturing assembly lines? 

There are so few project-based curriculae that stimulate the mind, make mental tactile connections and apply concepts to the "Real World."

One and three boys are 33% are considered overweight and 30.4% of girls are considered overweight according to the National Institute of diabetes and kidney diseases. Approximately 10% of high school seniors admit to smoking. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 35% of high school seniors reported drinking alcohol 21% reported using marijuana.  Students are embarrassed to dance and move bodies ....Why? Sh' care?

Because dancing is not taught in schools.  Singing is not taught in schools.  Painting is not taught in schools.  For that matter, how to balance a check book and/or how to have a relationship or how to be a parent is not taught in schools either. I guess those things don't matter as much.  Do you debt it?  Who's interest is it in to have a child enter adulthood not knowing how to balance a checkbook, acquire credit cards and accumulate debt with 23% interest rates.  Hmmmm. Do you remember that problem you read about in your text book in the 8th grade?  Reference that.

I don't conduct my therapy sessions with my written attitude.  For those who think of people as lego-ish, you might make the assumption that I am my writing in my life.  I can be if I chose to be, but I am not this way.  I do enjoy working with clients so I thought I wouldn't "close the door," though the type of clients who walk through the opening aren't restricted by Ockham's simplicity. They are razor sharp.

People often don't know how to apply those amazing logarithms, amplitude frequencies, inverse derivatives, Pythagorean theorems to life.

"Oh no you did something off-beat. Your purchase doesn't have a label. My cash register doesn't recognize it.  I can't allow you to do that. Put the product back."

No thinkers outside the box. Personally I don't really care.  I lego of lego quite a while ago.  I keep myself entertained.  Furthermore, I've become legoized in some ways, or I should say, I know how to be when I need to be:

I loved the school I used to teach at in Washington DC. It was innovative. It was the school Without Walls. What an amazing concept to not exist in black and white text. Two dimensional Flatline.

Gina Kolata's replacement of the Tuesday section of science times of The New York Times writes about the same concepts that I was reading about 27 years ago. Wow. At 12, I thought that in my lifetime there would actually be some change, some progress.

Anyway food for thought.  Enjoy your happy meal. 

On a side note I won't get into this topic other than to introduce it, but speaking of binding texts that decrease imagination of our lifetimes, I'd like to introduce a 'k'new religion to explore if you like .....on a personal level. 

It can be considered a hobby. The New "religious" concepts already exist all around us, and you're actually already quite good at exposing "yourcells" to them. 

Though these k"New" concepts are not referenced in any academic textbook or religious setting. They are fused in with all the Hollywood movies.

 If you start to listen from a "spiritual toolbox collection" space, you might have some fun aquiescing Hollywood's teachings.

If you are comfortable with concepts such as life and death, with know/no? answers that make sense to you provided to you by biology and in church, there is know/no need to do this exercise. Just enjoy the movie/book/song as they are.

This Spiritual Tool box Collection exploration is not meant to be an arduous task. It is meant to be fun, or it can be fun..... to design a spiritual toolbox with your own gems of spirituality that you have found in Hollywood (or books, or songs). It is also something that family or friends can start sharing! 

You can design your own spiritual beliefs and connections to this life that resonate more with your personal truth, belief system and with more mental tangibility than various spiritual "easy go to" ambiguous "Oneness" type spiritual phrases.  When talking with friends and/or family about these spiritual beliefs, you will have a shared platform of this realm (the movie, book or song) in which you can relate (agree or disagree) to each other.

  • For example in the movie Ice Age one of the characters is looking through a periscope that shows him the world through the eyes of another character. Interesting right?
  • In the movie Mad Max, an elder, one of the the group of women who holds the plants references, "in the old days, when the satellites used to watch our Earth and exchange stories......"  Interesting right?
  • and of course there are more obvious thought evoking movies suggesting themes of other Earths such as the Matrix. 
  •  "A Dog's Purpose" 1/27/17
So there "Ye'go"  . . ..  I guess this blog ended up being about expansion of imagination and boxed in teachings for both kids who play with Legos and adults who create them.

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