Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You Nose Q-tips? Not the rapper!

Some people clean their ears with cotton swabs.  Q-tip like Kleenex is actually the generic name. 
You may try cleaning your nostrils with Q-tips too. You would be surprised how much air pollution builds up in your nostrils, thus affecting your smell.    

Good thing we have a good built in air filtration system before all the pollution and toxic sludge enters our trachea, bronchioles, 2 lobes of lung on the left side (must make room for the heart), 3 lobes of lung on the right side and our alveolar sacs, eventually diffusing into the blood of our circulatory system and transported around the body.   

The lung lining consisting of alveolar sacs is made up of simple squamous epithelial cells, only one cell layer thick, so it is very easy for oxygen and carried toxins to rapidly cross the lung lining.  People with emphysema from smoking or breathing dirty air experience their alveolar sacs fusing together, resulting in decreased oxygen diffusion to the body.  They are often short of breath.  Alveolar sacs are like balloons.  Lots of balloons.  The more balloons, the more surface area.  When the balloons pop and diffuse together, there is less surface area for which the oxygen can pass through. Imagine one football field in comparison to 100 foot ball fields.  Quite a difference in surface area!

Anyway, clean your nostrils.  You (hopefully) clean your Hepa filters and the air filters within your home by purchasing new ones at Home Depot every 4-6 months.

Clean the air filter of the home in which you live!

Share the concept . . . Just not at dinner. 

You'd be amazed at how many bodily functions, pernicious talk and negative politics or global states are shared while eating and nourishing the body. Not only does it take away from 'THE NOW" of eating and body satiety awareness, but energetically, I imagine it is becomes a 'chop'py feng 'sui' combination.

The western medical community doesn't teach about emotional vibrations and mental focus with respect to cancer, but there is for sure a correlation, including the emotional nourishment and awareness of eating. Ok I digressed, though the trachea and esophagus are parallel.

Cancer of the lungs is associated with the emotion of loss and grief from an eastern medicine and acupuncture perspective.

Emotions, like toxins settle in cells, so focus on the NOSE of both. 
You will also taste your food better with a cleansed nose.  You brush your teeth don't you?  Smell of food is just as important as taste.

In fact, a quick digression #2 . .. . you may want to brush your teeth before you eat and scrub your tongue, your food will taste much better!  Flip Flop!!

Did you know that your sweet tasters are in the front of your tongue, hence the licking of icecream etc.  So keep the chocolate toward the tip.

The bitter is registered on the sides of the tongue and the back of the tongue.  This positioning of bitter tasting from an "Evolutionary standpoint" (oh boy, that gives you something to start fighting with me about) increases survival probability as it activates the gag reflex if something were poisonous for example.  

Too bad the concept doesn't work for toxic words.  Maybe next time someone shares something horrible, I'll practice gagging as a response as opposed to words.  It would be quite effective I would think. 

Another "Food for Thought" and Tip to Nose!

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